Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, speaks to members of the media after a vote to advance Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court, on Capitol Hill, Friday, Oct. 4, 2018. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski has become the latest of the wavering GOP senators to announce that they will vote against the Democrat scam to use the Senate trial as a way of calling witnesses and demanding documents that they didn’t think were important during the investigative process.
Sen @lisamurkowski statement on why she is a NO vote on calling witnesses: pic.twitter.com/ES4sNz9nZE
— Libby Casey (@libcasey) January 31, 2020
I have to admit that I’m a bit surprised. I pegged Murkowski as one who would use her vote to preen, Romney-like, in the reflected glory of her superior virtue. I was right about the preening part but wrong about how she’d vote, but I’ll take my wins where I can get them.
As my colleague, Duke, posted yesterday, the battle over calling witnesses to extent the Senate impeachment trial of Donald Trump is over. According to my count, only Susan Collins and Mitt Romney have decided to vote with the Democrats against America. Mitch McConnell has his 51 votes and all we are doing right now is just bayoneting the wounded…or maybe just leave them to make tiny puppy noises in the dark:
I just want to note that not only did the supposedly honorable Lamar Alexander announce a "no" vote against witnesses but last night, per CNN, he had a secret meeting with Murkowski in which he laid out his case to oppose witnesses. So he *lobbied her*.
These people are lawless.
— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) January 31, 2020
“This is bad, but keep in mind that I have no morals.” — Lisa Murkowski https://t.co/8SZVC6MMmv
— Lauren Duca (@laurenduca) January 31, 2020
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