A voter enters a voting booth at Laurel High School on Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018, in Laurel, Mont. (AP Photo/Matthew Brown)
Objectively, the angst in political Washington right now over “foreign meddling” in our elections is nothing more significant than mildly deranged monkeys rubbing feces on themselves to get attention. In 2016, not a single vote was changed anywhere by Russian hands because absolutely none of the votes cast in the presidential election were done so by systems that could be compromised by “hacking.” The fact is that the systems that are vulnerable to hacking really don’t mean a whole lot in terms of election results. If voter registration records are altered to add imaginary voters, then someone has to show up and cast a vote. This could be foiled by the simple precaution of requiring a government-issued REAL ID compliant identification. If you can’t be bothered to get one, it isn’t a sign of The Man keeping you down, it is a sign that you are too f***ing apathetic or stupid to be allowed to vote. If voter information is deleted or altered, then the affected voters, by federal law, have the right to cast a provisional ballot. This ballot, accompanied by a sworn affidavit by the voter attesting to its truthfulness, is reviewed by a county or city board of election by comparing it to hard copy voter registration data. Voting machines are not hooked to the internet. Memory cards from voting machines are removed and hand carried to the board of elections (or equivalent) by election officials. Fraud did occur, but it took place the old fashioned way in Democrat-run sh**holes where more votes were cast than there were registered voters.
But, where the big thing for the Democrats after 2000 was arguing about voter intent and “hanging chads,” as a way of delegitimizing President Bush, post-2016 Democrats have been harping on “foreign interference” to delegitimize President Trump…they even conconcted a bullsh** investigation to reinforce that narrative.
Anyway, House Democrats passed two so-called election protection bills. One requires any campaign that is contacted by a foreign national offering assistance to report the contact to the FBI. This is not only patently un-Constitutional on its face but it is so overbroad that it would require reporting contacts with green card holders and places the onus on the campaign, including people with only a tangential relationship such as campaign surrogates, to ensure that the people they are talking to are only US citizens. It should be called the “Special Counsel Perpetual Employment Act.” The other bill in question would provide some grants to modernize processes and infrastructure but would also impose mandates upon election officials that are not covered by the grants.
Senate Democrats tried to force both bills through by unanimous consent and McConnell refused to allow that to happen. Now some of them are trying to hang the “Moscow Mitch” name on him insinuating that because he stopped their cheap little power grab that he’s somehow beholden to the Kremlin.
Foreign interference in our electoral politics is real. It has been since, at least, the XYZ Affair. Laws can mitigate it but it isn’t going to stop. We just need to pull out big boy undies on and stop defecating on ourselves and act like we are a freakin superpower not some Third World banana republic. Because we aren’t and we should publicly shame the Democrats who think that we are.
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