Former special counsel Robert Mueller, accompanied by his top aide in the investigation Aaron Zebley, testifies before the House Judiciary Committee hearing on his report on Russian election interference, on Capitol Hill, in Washington, Wednesday, July 24, 2019. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
One of the running gags in the television series “Hogan’s Heroes” was that of John Banner’s character, Sergeant Schultz. Schultz was the senior German noncommissioned officer at Luft Stalag 13, a prisoner-of-war camp housing captured Allied airmen. Schultz is a deeply compromised and unintelligent character who often sees illegal goings on and responds with his signature:
Apparently, Robert Mueller is doing a damned good impression of Sergeant Schultz in his opening statement and his testimony.
Mueller says he attended "very few" of the roughly 500 interviews his office conducted.
— Kenneth P. Vogel (@kenvogel) July 24, 2019
Mueller won't say who wrote his May 29 public statement. There's zero reason to withhold that information unless it would reflect poorly on him
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) July 24, 2019
Strangest part of hearing, Mueller refusing to disclose who wrote his May 29th letter
Most disappointing part, Mueller refusing to say if he agreed or disagreed with Barr summary 🤔
Most shocking part, Mueller saying he’s not familiar with Fusion GPS 🤔#MuellerHearings
— Kemba (@kembageorge) July 24, 2019
The picture being painted is damning. It is very obvious that Mueller was simply not mentally up to the challenge of managing this investigation. He simply loaned his name to an investigation led by Andrew Weissmann and his chief of staff, Aaron Zebley. I appears as though not only were the mechanics of the investigation left to subordinates, the correspondence from his office, over his signature, was also left to them. If Mueller was not derelict, then he’s a notorious liar because otherwise he’d know what Fusion GPS is. If is a tired, feeble old man who would an object of pity, not scorn, had he not done the damage he has to America’s political life.
Media portrayal of Mueller: sterling, heroic, supremely competent pursuer of truth
Actual performance of Mueller: bumbling, shaky, can't recall key facts
Now we know why he hid from the public for 2+ years
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) July 24, 2019
All in all, it is difficult to see how this bit of theater enhances our knowledge of anything other than confirming that it was simply an exercise to collect scalps from the Trump campaign and use that evidence as a basis for impeachment.
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