Liberal Darling Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Reveals Her Sordid Double-Life As a White Nationalist

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Yep, we’ve outed another one. Everyone knows that White Nationalists just love to go around flashing the “white power” sign because the get off on getting fired from their job, being socially ostracized, and maybe getting death threats. But somehow they do. We saw Brett Kavanaugh’s “sherpa,” Zina Bash, do it not once, but twice, on C-SPAN because it is well known that white power advocates can’t get them enough C-SPAN. Over the weekend some luckless Coastie at the Hurricane Florence emergency command center had his career burned down because he flashed the sign to his peeps who were watching MSNBC…another well known white power media outlet.


Now we have a new offender. Socialist congresswoman-to-be Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, seen here on the left (just joking, just joking).

How the Democrat party can continue to support such a raw celebration of bigotry is just beyond me.

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