Yesterday, former Representative Keith Ellison won the primary election to be the Democrat candidate for Minnesota attorney general. Over the weekend, it became known that Ellison was the subject of a very credible accusation of domestic violence with two women. The second woman:
actually called 911 while being assaulted by Ellison:
And despite the whole #MeToo and “believe women” thing Democrats are supposed to be so supportive of, none of that made a difference:

Let’s be serious here.
Nothing is going to happen to Ellison for two reasons. First and foremost, Ellison is black and Muslim and identity politics drives the Democrat party. Not only is he a double minority, white guilt is going to keep the Democrat power structure from forcing him out of the race because that would mean they were racists for oppressing a black Muslim. Plus, the women involved don’t appear to be rich or prominent or highly educated and, as we learned from the Bill Clinton experience, to the Democrats those women are throwaways. Secondly, Democrats realize that elections are not about virtue signaling, they are about winning. If you don’t win, your virtue can just go screw itself. Al Franken was pushed out because his seat was safe and Doug Jones would not be a senator if Roy Moore’s old white butt had been a Democrat. That doesn’t make us better than them, it just makes us stupider than them. It means that when the whistle blows to start the football game, the GOP is guaranteed to be the team on the field wearing ice skates and tutus.
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