Shortly after President Trump was inaugurated, he reinstituted the Mexico City policy and expanded its reach to all non-governmental organizations that receive US global health funding. In addition to signing a law that allows states to strip Planned Parenthood of access to Title X “Family Planning” funds, the administration’s budget submission further curbs the scope of Title X as a cash cow for Planned Parenthood:
The Trump administration’s proposed budget would: 1) deny any federal funding to Planned Parenthood for any contraception – or other preventive healthcare services – they might provide to women; 2) eliminate funding for comprehensive sex education curricula that discuss contraceptive options; and 3) eliminate all funding for international family planning assistance. The administration’s proposed budget, however, stopped short of defunding Title X.
The administration had also ended “teen pregnancy” research–seriously, we know what causes teen pregnancy, don’t we?
If it is left up to the Senate, all of that is in jeopardy:
Senate appropriators on Thursday dealt a twofold rebuke to the Trump administration on abortion policy, though it is almost certain the changes won’t become law.
The Senate Appropriations Committee approved a fiscal 2018 foreign relations funding bill containing language that would undo a Trump administration prohibition on funding for nongovernment organizations that perform or promote abortion.
The Appropriations Committee also voted Thursday to instruct the administration to run the Title X family planning program and the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program as they were under the Obama administration. Trump administration officials have floated changes to both programs.
Two Republican senators, the Walking Dead sisters, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, voted with the Democrats to promote abortion.
Hopefully, Mitch McConnell can drag himself out of a coma long enough to fix this or that it will be stripped in a conference committee. Otherwise, Trump should veto the bill.
It seems like President Trump isn’t the only one going with Democrat ideas.
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