(Relax, no need to think. This is just gun pr0n.)
So what happens when an Israeli company that make an AK-47 inspired semiautomatic rifle with cutting edge design and materials modifications decides to open a factory in the United States?
You need a pressure washer to clean progressive skull fragments and brain tissue off your walls.
The company is Command Arms and Accessories (CAA). Their stock in trade has been an accessory they market under the trade name Roni, that makes your semiautomatic pistol resemble a carbine for stability and ergonomic purposes. Now they’ve licensed the venerable Automat Kalashnikov design from the Russian owner and set about making over a long-in-the-tooth but very serviceable design into a state-of-the-art weapon in the popular 5.56mm NATO. They are going to produce it in a factory in Florida. Check out the Kalashnikov AK-Alfa, “Russian Heritage—American Innovation”:
If I had the spare cash, I’d be tempted to buy one.
But, of course, they do deal in death and the weapon looks sexy scary as hell.
Which brings us back to CAA and the Alfa’s impending rise. While the U.S. civilian market is the primary focus, the firm does have a side business plan for its new assault rifle: setting up factories in countries that want to turn their aging AK stocks into state-of-the-art Alfas. “Refurbishment,” Oz calls it, wherein the barrel and some other older parts are used to build the new rifle. Given that there are millions upon millions of Kalashnikovs in official military circulation, the reach of this side of CAA’s business is, in a literal sense, global.
C. J. Chivers, the New York Times reporter, described the Kalashnikov as nothing short of a “disruptive technology that flooded the world almost three generations ago” becoming “a ready amplifier of evil and rage.” One can only hope that the Alfa Kalashnikov has a less disruptive, less bloody, future than its forerunner’s legendary past.
Yep. One can only hope.
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