Elizabeth Warren Attack Donald Trump. The Left Goes Orgasmic. (VIDEO)

Committee member Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Ma., questions witnesses during a Senate Specials Committee on Aging hearing on drastic price hikes by Valeant and a handful of other drugmakers that have stoked outrage from patients, physicians and politicians nationwide, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, April 27, 2016,. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
Committee member  Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Ma.,  questions witnesses  during a Senate Specials Committee on Aging hearing on drastic price hikes by Valeant and a handful of other drugmakers that have stoked outrage from patients, physicians and politicians nationwide, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, April 27, 2016,. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
Committee member Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Ma., questions witnesses in her native Cherokee tongue while flashing her high cheekbones. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta;caption by streiff)

According to much of the media, Hillary Clinton has the perfect person to take on Donald Trump: another corrupt elderly harpy, Elizabeth Warren. I swear I am not making this up.

Elizabeth Warren Goes To War With Donald Trump crows the New Yorker:

When Senator Elizabeth Warren, of Massachusetts, took up the fight against Donald Trump in the last few weeks, it felt a little like that moment in an action movie when the disaffected friend who’d walked out turns up late in the third act, mid-fray, with fresh ammunition and a wink and a grin for her old gang.

But what really got the left talking was Warren’s speech to fellow wealthy liberal kleptocrats at the wildly misnamed Center for Popular Democracy (motto: Socialism is always just one execution away from perfection). The brainiacs at Vox dare you to Watch Elizabeth Warren’s epic 10-minute takedown of Donald Trump. And Mother Jones proclaims Elizabeth Warren’s Anti-Trump Onslaught Looks Like It’s Just Warming Up.

The full transcript it here.

These are the highlights that have created whirlwind of orgasmic breathing on the left:

A small, insecure moneygrubber who doesn’t care who gets hurt, so long as he makes some money off it.

Last week, he said that the new Dodd-Frank financial regulations have, and I’m quoting here, “made it impossible for bankers to function” and he will put out a new plan soon that “will be close to dismantling Dodd-Frank.” Donald Trump is worried about helping poor little Wall Street? Let me find the world’s smallest violin to play a sad, sad song.

Can Donald Trump even name three things that Dodd-Frank does? Seriously, someone ask him.

Take the hint, Donald: the time for letting big banks call all the shots in Washington is coming to an end.

We don’t know what Trump pays in taxes because he is the first Presidential nominee in 40 years to refuse to disclose his tax returns.

Two weeks ago he said he’s more than happy to dodge taxes because he doesn’t want to throw his money “down the drain.”


Is there anything in there new? Anything that hasn’t been thrown at Trump since July? And on some of it, Trump is right. Dodd-Frank, according to virtually any credible, non-Paul-Krugman, source Dodd-Frank has damaged banking and punished consumers with higher fees. Trump has not defended “big banks call[ing] all the shots”. There is no evidence Trump “dodges” taxes but he, like many businessmen, aggressively seeks to avoid them. So do I, for that matter. A great number of Americans among that 43% minority that even pays federal income tax also see their tax money as money “down the drain.”

I look at this as someone who takes backseat to no man in my loathing of Trump a think, “is that all you got?”

Incredibly, she recycles Obama’s “you didn’t build that” argument, nearly verbatim.

Trump likes being a billionaire, and doesn’t think the rules that apply to everyone else should apply to him. But let’s be clear: Donald Trump didn’t get rich on his own. His businesses rely on the roads and bridges the rest of us paid for. His businesses rely on workers the rest of us paid to educate and on police-forces and fire fighters who protect all of us and the rest of us pay to support. Donald Trump and his businesses are protected by a world-class military that defends us abroad and keeps us safe at home and that the rest of us pay to support. When anyone builds something terrific, they should get to keep a big hunk of it. But they should also pay a fair share forward so the next kid and the next kid and the next kid who come along gets their chance to build something too. That’s how we build a future that works for everyone.


This argument was damaging the first time it was rolled out and there is no reason to think it is going to be more successful today

Let’s face it: Donald Trump cares about exactly one thing –Donald Trump. It’s time for some accountability because these statements disqualify Donald Trump from ever becoming President. The free ride is over.

The real problem is that Warren’s general critique applies just as much to Hillary Clinton as it does to Donald Trump. While Warren is very popular with the menopausal lesbian crowd that sees Hillary Clinton as its champion, it is difficult to imagine a more flawed spokeswoman than Warren. Warren’s professional career is built on a singular lie, that she was an American Indian. That lie allowed her to gain tenure. It is easy to understand why Warren sees federal regulation as an unalloyed good, without it she would be just another angry old woman muttering curses in the checkout line at a KMart.

What is also noticeable is the way that Warren, like Clinton, is totally oblivious to how difficult it is for working families to make a go of it today. Her prescriptions of a higher minimum wage and more regulation not only ensure fewer jobs for entry level and low skill workers but that those same workers will never be allowed to gain a foothold in a Obama-Clinton economy.



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