So Donald Trump is reaching out to Muslims?
One longtime conservative activist who is a Muslim told The Hill that he has been approached by several prominent members of the Muslim American community, all of whom asked for advice on how to respond to overtures from Phares or others within the Trump campaign.
“They approached me and said – ‘what should I do’?,” the source said. “I said – by all means, engage. Meet with the campaign. Speak with the campaign. Address the community’s concerns.”
Some of those Phares reached out to have already come on board.
For instance, “reform” Muslim Shireen Qudosi.
Saba Ahmed, who founded the Republican Muslim Coalition and shot to fame after debating a Trump surrogate on Fox News Channel while clad in a stars-and-stripes hijab, said she texts and emails with campaign manager Cory Lewandowski and other Trump officials regularly.
Ahmed says she supports Trump despite his call to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the country. She said Trump’s proposal is nothing more than election-year rhetoric that has no chance of ever becoming law.
The American-Mideast Coalition for Trump is doing most of the heavy lifting right now in engaging Muslim Republicans and Middle Eastern conservatives on Trump’s behalf.The group, which formed in mid-March after Trump won the Florida primary, is a coalition of Middle Eastern Americans that counts Muslims and Christians as members.
Co-founder Tom Harb said he fully supports the proposed temporary ban until a system is in place to vet refugees. Fellow co-founder John Hajjar was less enthusiastic on that point, saying the proposal could have been worded more “artfully” and that he expects Trump will “further refine” his position now that he’s the likely nominee.
Get used to this as Trump moves from the primary to the general election. Where it has often been said that GOP candidates run to the right in the primaries and tack back to the center in the general (personally, I think it is difficult to find an example where this actually worked), Trump is breaking new ground by totally abandoning the positions he has long held (like minimum wage, immigration and self-funding his campaign).
If there is anything good at all that could come from a Trump presidency it would be watching the anguish of his slavish fluffers who have made his candidacy a possibility as he betrays them day in and day out.
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