Other than producing ridiculous ads, the Bush super PAC, Right to Rise, is famous for two other things. The first is that it raised over $100 million last summer as part of the failed Bush strategy of scaring away competitors. The second is that it has burned through that cash as a rate that would shame a drunken sailor in Olongapo. In fact, based on what we know, it looks like both the Bush campaign and its Super PAC may be nearly broke.
“Right to Rise USA will be running the first-ever crowdfunded television ad during the ‘Big Game’ on Sunday, February 7, 2016 – but we need your help,” Mr. Murphy wrote in the email, which was provided to The New York Times and confirmed by the super PAC.
He explained that a 30-second spot in the New Hampshire/Boston media market costs $300,000, and asked supporters to make a donation and tell their friends and family. The email included a link to the website, Tilt, which much like Kickstarter — a popular crowdfunding platform — will not charge until the goal (in this case $300,000) is met.
“This is just one way to let donors and supporters of Jeb take part in the process and know what they’re money is going towards,” said Paul Lindsay, a spokesman for Right to Rise.
This is the email:
Whether this is a stunt by a stodgy campaign super PAC to look edgy or a sign of desperation, we will know in due course. The big donors that have funded Right To Rise are hardly the type of folks to engage in crowdfunding campaign. We know that Bush and his Super PAC have very few small donors. The best explanation is provided by the carpetbombing of Marco Rubio in Iowa and New Hampshire. The Bush campaign has to change the game or they have to get out. The campaign and its Super PAC are starved for cash. A Super Bowl ad would be a great way to give the illusion that the Jeb Bush campaign is healthy and vibrant rather — and therefore
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