Well, so much for the “rigorous screening process” we are told exists to screen refugees for admittance to the United States:
As the hunt for jihadists widens after last week’s Paris attacks, authorities in Greece warn it was virtually impossible to pick out dangerous extremists among arriving migrants, without prior intelligence.
“If they are not already registered in the database, it’s nearly impossible,” says Dimitris Amountzias, police captain in charge of Moria, Greece’s main registration camp on the island of Lesbos.
At the camp, dozens of migrants and refugees queue to give their fingerprints, have a photo taken and be quizzed by agents from European border agency Frontex.
It’s a seemingly detailed security check, but jihadists have already proven they can bypass it with ease.
The suspected architect of the Paris attacks that killed 130 people, 28-year-old Abdelhamid Abaaoud, escaped from Europe to Syria and returned without being detected.
If this is what the people on the front line of screening are saying then you know that the situation confronting those who are “vetting” refugees to come to the United States. We already know that the refugee population entering the United States has more adult men than women.
Even understanding the haphazard nature of the screening process, Obama seems intent on accepting more refugees into the United States... just because he can:
“The idea that somehow they pose a more significant threat than all the tourists who pour into the United States every single day just doesn’t jive with reality,” Mr. Obama said. “So my expectation is after the initial spasm of rhetoric, the people will settle down, take a look at the facts, and we’ll be able to proceed.”
Actually, Muslim refugees do present a significantly greater danger of being involved in terrorism than “tourists.”
What Obama is trying to do is to cast anyone who believes the flow of refugees to the US should slow down if we can’t adequately vet them as racists or bigots who are mindlessly opposed to immigration. This isn’t the case. The objection is to a screening process that brings into the United States terrorists and for the foreseeable future there is no way to screen refugees that provides Americans with even a hope of safety.
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