Obama: high risk for Ebola equals freedom; low risk equals quarantine


If the situation were not so serious, one would be tempted to let this bit of idiocy go. But it is and I won’t.

When the CDC released its guidelines for dealing with the “heroes” who are working to stem the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, it created these parameters:


ebola risk levels

As Obama promised yesterday:

President Obama on Tuesday called the new guidelines “sensible, based in science” and said they would help keep Americans safe while not discouraging volunteers from traveling to West Africa to battle the disease at its source.

Nurse Kaci Hickox clearly falls into the “high risk” category as defined in the guidance. On the other hand, the US troops assigned to duties in West Africa are in the “low risk” category. How does this play out? Nurse Hickox gets the White House on her side. Governor Chris Christie put his manhood into a blind trust, turned in his man-card, and folded like a cheap suit. Nurse Hickox has since said “Fie!” on the requirement that she finish her quarantine period at home:

Attorneys for a nurse released from isolation in New Jersey after returning to the U.S. from West Africa say she will not comply with Maine health officials’ requirements that she remain under quarantine at home for 21 days.

Because HERO!!

US troops will undergo a 21-day quarantine period.

Why is that? Our president, Barack H. Obama, has the answer:


To some, the Pentagon has seemed to be at odds with the White House message over quarantines for those fighting Ebola in Africa; while the Defense Department is weighing an expanded quarantine like the one the Army has already used, the White House has emphasized that blanket quarantines for health workers is a bad policy.

On Tuesday, in brief remarks to the media, President Obama explained what he saw as the difference.

“The military is in a different situation.They are, first of all, not treating patients [emphasis mine],” he said. “Second of all, they are not there voluntarily. It’s part of their mission they’ve been assigned to them by their commanders and ultimately me, their commander in chief. We don’t expect to have similar rules for our military as we do civilians.”

As part of his remarks, Obama emphasized that U.S. health workers coming back from overseas should be “monitored in a prudent fashion,” but ultimately thanked and not penalized for their work.

Huh? We agree that there are different rules for military and civilians. Had Hickox pulled her stunt in a military organization (assuming she is not one of the pampered LBGTQFXWMRetc deviants so dear to Chuck Hagel) she would have had a painful re-acquaintance with reality and her place in the food chain. But she was directly involved in patient care, making her high risk. The soldiers are providing infrastructure to support the medical effort. But because there are different rules we let high-risk people run free and quarantine people at low risk.


This bunch would not recognize either “sensible” or “science” jumped out of the tall grass and latched onto their derriere.

In a nutshell, this is this administration’s approach to virtually every issue. Favored people and classes (sexual deviants, plutocrats, illegal immigrants etc.) are given special treatment, the rest of us get the treatment.


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