Blumenthal: American People Will Be 'Shocked, Appalled, Astonished' by Failures Revealed in J13 Report

AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar

When one of the more senior Senate Democrats sounds the alarm bell regarding governmental failures, it says something — particularly if it involves former President Donald Trump (and I don't mean in a way that's critical of him). According to Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), the American people are going to be "shocked, appalled, astonished" when they see the interim report that lawmakers plan to release shortly regarding the July 13 assassination attempt on the former president. 


On Thursday afternoon, following a closed-door meeting with Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe, Blumenthal told Fox News: 

"I think the American people are going to be shocked, astonished, and appalled by what we will report to them about the failures by the Secret Service in this assassination attempt on a former president. But I think they also ought to be appalled and astonished by the failure of the Department of Homeland Security to be more forthcoming, to be as candid and frank as it should be to them, in terms of providing information. And we are going to absolutely insist on the truth — and the whole truth — in documents and testimony as members of the United States Senate, but also as citizens."

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Blumenthal declined to go into the specifics of what lawmakers have learned, but promised the report would be coming "very, very soon," adding that he thinks it "will absolutely shock the American people...about the lapses and lags in the protection that was afforded that day, and the breakdown in communication and failure in responsibilty."

Blumenthal also blamed the failure of DHS to be more factual and forthcoming regarding the incident for fueling conspiracy theories surrounding it, adding, "I cannot say more passionately how urgent I feel this mission is because the American people need and deserve to know the truth — even if it's embarrassing." 

Blumenthal did say he believes the Secret Service has made adjustments in response to the failures and is hopeful they will be satisfactory. However, he did say that he believes there needs to be more accountability. "Without accountability, this kind of failure and lapse will happen again."

He also emphasized that the investigation effort has been "completely bipartisan." 

Blumenthal declined to say definitively when the report would be released but reiterated that it would be very soon. 


Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) also emphasized the bipartisan nature of the investigation and indicated that some frustration was directed at Rowe in the meeting.

"So he's making the commitment to you know, provide more information," Johnson said. "But we're hoping to get this preliminary report out before this work period. So again, we're on a pretty tight time constraints. But again, it's important people realize we are dedicated to a bipartisan product."


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