RedState Weekly Briefing: Academia Exposed, Biden Embarrassed and Abandoned

Peter Schneider/Keystone FILE via AP

Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing  — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee (or a beer — we're rolling into summer, after all), and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication! 


#1 - Academic Publisher Retracts Over 11,300 Papers and Shuts 19 Journals As It Is Overwhelmed by Fraud — by streiff

While shutting down 19 journals is impressive, keep in mind that Wiley is the home to over 2,000 titles. The shuttered titles are all from Wiley's purchase of the Egyptian academic publisher (yes, I wrote that) Hindawi. All that means is that the fraud is more easily detectable in low-end journals.

Most of the articles involved aren't going to change the direction of science. They aren't falsification of cancer clinical trials that corrupt clinical practice. Many of these articles will never be read or cited. They do the damage by giving cheaters and liars a path to promotion in scientific research.

#2 - Senile Biden's Interview With TIME Goes Way Off the Rails; He Even Challenges the Reporter to a Fight — by Bonchie

Joe Biden is a feeble 81-year-old man who finds walking up the stairs difficult, but he decided to snap at a reporter by challenging him to a fight. What a scene. "I can take you too," the President of the freaking United States says. Do you feel the norms being restored?

The rest of the interview isn't much better. You can check out the full thing by clicking here.

Look, the buck stops with Biden, but what are his handlers doing by putting him in these situations? And this happened with one of the most friendly outlets out there. Imagine what he's going to look like at the debates if he gets even the slightest amount of pushback from a moderator. Biden is senile, and those around him are too scared to keep him out of the spotlight. That's a bad combination.


#3 - The WNBA Has Decided to Set Itself on Fire — by Bonchie

Now ask yourself, how many of the new fans, who have tuned into the WNBA specifically because of the promise Clark brought to the league, are going to stick around if this is how its other players operate?

Sure enough, ratings for the WNBA are crashing after an initial boost. All the hype in the world provided by Clark isn't enough to make up for how garbage the rest of the league is. It's a bad product filled with bad players. Whether it's jealousy, racism, or something else, many of them seem content to keep making McDonald's money while flying coach rather than helping their league succeed. The WNBA deserves what it gets.

#4 - Celebrity Supporters Abandon Biden Quickly As True Colors Are Shown — by Margaret Clark

Douglas Murray recently said in a great analogy that sometimes “a flare goes up, and you see exactly where everyone is.” That is what has happened with this trial. Biden and the Democrats have shown their true colors. They have shown that they desire dominance, not democracy. And there is no way to unsee what we have seen.

Hollywood has historically backed the left in a unified front. Like so much that has changed this year, the pulling away from the Democrats is a signal of the historic and changing times we are living in. If Trump’s win in November was still up in the air, the left’s attempt to defeat him by dishonest means has only pushed many over the edge. This trial has made this election one of the most important in our nation’s history. We will see if democracy will win or not, and it’s in the hands of the people who are starting to sober up.


#5 - Biden Gets Caught With Embarrassing Hot Mic Moment During D-Day Ceremonies — by Nick Arama

So that sounds like he wants to get out of there, just like Jill rushing him out of the earlier ceremony. Maybe he shouldn't be concerned about getting out of there when he's at such an important event. Sounds a bit like a "check the watch" kind of an inappropriate moment. Actually, if you're the last one to leave, you're not holding anyone up. 

And hasn't all that been worked out in advance? And if you say that to Macron, that sort of sounds like you're saying, "Hey buddy, I'm more important than you in your own country, so let me go first." Macron just claps him on the back like, "Sure, Joe, whatever you say." 

Also, it's rather ironic, given that Biden has made up all kinds of things about what former President Trump said or did in France — like not going to a cemetery because of weather — for Biden to talk about getting out of there first. 


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