Tuesday Morning Minute

AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee

Good morning, and welcome to RedState's "Morning Minute" — a brief glimpse at which stories are trending at the moment and a look ahead at what the day may bring. Consider this your one-stop shop for news to kickstart your day. 



Biden Campaign Desperation Sets in, Now Saying the Polls Are Fake

Americans are ticked, and it doesn't seem like, at least as of this moment, that they are very amused by shouts of "muh democracy" and January 6th.

Kash Patel: Senior Military Officials Intentionally Delayed National Guard Deployment on January 6th

When will those who helped stoke the fires by failing to heed warnings and preparing the Guard to help quell the crowd receive the same treatment?

WNBA Player A’ja Wilson Gets Shoe Endorsement Deal, Has a Fit Because Caitlin Clark Got One First

Wilson is a superb talent, but nothing is sufficiently compelling about her game or on-court presence to make a casual fan tune in.


Today on Capitol Hill...

Another day with only two hearings set: 

  1. House Rules — Several resolutions, including: "Condemning the Biden border crisis and the tremendous burdens law enforcement officers face as a result"
  2. House Veterans' Affairs — U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Information and Technology Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2025

But since things are relatively quiet on the Hill, that frees up Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) to head to New York and join former President Donald Trump in court in Manhattan in a further show of Republican solidarity behind the party's 2024 nominee. 


White House What's Up

Another relatively low-key day for President Joe Biden — he's set to deliver remarks at the White House regarding his "agenda to promote American investment and jobs." To whom he'll be delivering said remarks isn't particularly clear, though I'm sure they'll be hanging on his every word...

In the evening, Biden will head to the Washington Convention Center where he'll deliver remarks at the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies’ gala. 

Full Court Press...

It's Day 2 of Michael Cohen testimony in the aforementioned Manhattan Trump trial. Will the prosecution be able to square the circle through the convicted prevaricator's testimony? Will the defense have a heyday with cross-examination? Stay tuned...

It's also Day 2 of Sen. Bob Menendez's (D-NJ) criminal trial in the Southern District of New York, where jury selection is ongoing.

Of Primary Concern

We've got primaries today in Maryland, Nebraska, and West Virginia, as well as a couple of runoff elections in North Carolina. 


I've had several people ask me recently how much longer I believe the Trump trial in Manhattan will last. Based on the prosecution's indication they plan to wrap up this week, I'm thinking the case goes to the jury either at the end of next week or the beginning of the following week (which would mean the Tuesday after Memorial Day). Then, the jury will deliberate. No predicting how long that will take, but at this point, it looks very likely the case will be over before the end of May. Will they convict? Or will they hang? Feel free to share your predictions in the Comments section below. 



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