Moore to the Point - From My Cold, Dead Hands


Most people are familiar with the Charlton Heston-NRA meme regarding gun rights. 

I do feel pretty strongly about the preservation of Second Amendment rights - of all of the rights guaranteed by our Constitution, in fact. 


But I have to say…there may be something that evokes that sense of righteous defiance in me even more than guns. I don’t know what it is lately that has the nanny scolds working overtime on coming up with ways to lord it over regular folks by floating the idea of taking away this ubiquitous item or banning that convenience, but I’ve about had enough. 

The ship may have sailed on the incandescent bulb, but I’d kindly ask the government - and other aspiring fascist busybodies - to get their damn paws off my gasoline-powered SUV, my gas or wood-burning stove (if I wanted one), the setting on my thermostat, and for the love of all that is holy, my burgers and beer. 

I don’t know why we have an “alcohol czar,” but we don’t need one — and we sure as heck don’t need one limiting us to two beers a week. Nor do we need cities pushing for zero meat and dairy consumption. 

Sure, fine, we should all aim for healthier diets. But they can have my burgers and my beer when they pry them from my cold, dead hands.  

This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Wednesday, August 30th. Audio included below.


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