In case you’ve been wondering, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is shovel-ready. (The jokes sort of write themselves, don’t they?)
Yesterday, Cuomo paid a visit to his frenemy, President Donald Trump. As RedState’s Nick Arama reported, Cuomo may still need to brush up on his mask-wearing technique, but the purpose of his visit apparently was to ask for more dough:
The governor wants Washington to send federal dollars back to New York and to jump-start the job market with new infrastructure spending.
“It was a good conversation,” Cuomo said later during a briefing with reporters. “The president’s from New York so he had a good context about the things we’re talking about.”
Cuomo said his meeting with Trump touched on a variety of topics, including critical infrastructure projects from the Second Avenue Subway extension to the LaGuardia AirTrain.
Pretty crafty of Cuomo to approach it from the infrastructure angle — given Trump’s stated interest in getting the economy up and running again and in pushing infrastructure, along with his affinity for New York, that’s a much better pitch than, “Our state’s going bankrupt, our pension funds are bust, and we’re flailing amid the COVID crisis — we need more!”
That’s one thing I have to hand Cuomo — flawed though he and his Coronavirus response may be, he seems to know how to sing the President’s tune. He “gets” him.
Cuomo added:
“I have a shovel in the trunk of my car,” Cuomo said, referring to a long-discussed Hudson River tunnel project. “We’ll start this afternoon, right?”
Gonna dig that tunnel yourself there, Gov?
Of course, Cuomo also took the opportunity during his afternoon briefing to bark about Mitch McConnell and Rick Scott, admonishing them to “Stop abusing the states who bore the brunt of the COVID virus, through no fault of their own.”
Clearly, infrastructure wasn’t all that he was shoveling.
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