Piers Morgan Gets Woke Influencer to Reveal Insanity of Gender Identity Politics in Riveting Segment

AP Photo/Armando Franca

Pretty much every day an issue comes up that reminds me how important it is that we have leaders like President Donald Trump and Vice President JD Vance, both of whom fight for America and common sense solutions and who reject wokeness in all its many forms.


They are in full "promises made, promises kept" mode on issues ranging from illegal immigration to DEI to gender identity politics, with Trump's executive order protecting women's sports being one of the defining moments of the Trump 47 administration so far.

"It shall also be the policy of the United States to oppose male competitive participation in women’s sports more broadly, as a matter of safety, fairness, dignity, and truth," the language in the executive order made clear.

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And on that note, we turn to a recent segment from the Piers Morgan show, where a group of guests were talking about so-called transgender "rights" when Morgan asked notoriously unhinged leftist influencer "JoJo From Jerz" (Joanne Carducci) if him declaring at that moment that he was a woman meant he was a woman.

What followed was the accidental exposure of the insanity of the leftist mindset on this issue in under 90 seconds.

PIERS MORGAN: What is a woman? 

JOJO FROM JERZ: Uh, well, if you feel like you're a woman, you're a woman. I'm not threatened if you feel like that. 

MORGAN: What if I feel like a woman right now? 

JOJO: If you feel like it, sure. I'm sorry, what's a man? I'm a woman. 

MORGAN: So if I feel like I'm a woman right now, I am a woman. 

JOJO: It is not my prerogative to tell you that you can't. What is a man? 

MORGAN: An adult human male.  

JOJO: An adult human male?  

MORGAN: So if I feel I am a woman, am I a woman? 

JOJO: Oh, God. If you feel like you're a woman, you're a woman. What does that mean though? 


His reaction at the end was priceless.


My first thought when I watched this back and forth was to cheer yet another instance of leftists demonstrating how wildly out of touch they've become over the years, especially over an issue as consequential as women's rights. I mean Morgan didn't have to say much at all to get her to dig her own hole and fall in it.

My second thought was why is he having on a guest whose claim to fame has been to make every other word she uses the "f" word and to gaslight even more than your average CNN host about Joe Biden's cognitive health?

I wasn't the only one:

As it turns out, Morgan shared in another tweet that Carducci had been banned from the show due to some ugliness that happened at another point during her appearance where her behavior would have embarrassed a five-year-old:


As I write this, JoJo has apparently moved on to greener pastures, sitting down for an interview with... ex-CNNer Jim Acosta on his Substack.

In any event, to reiterate my earlier point, I was reminded all over again after watching the Morgan clip about the importance of having real leaders in times like these. Because God help us if it was Kamala Harris and Tim Walz who won in November and not Trump and Vance.

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