Alaska Airlines Shows the Way With How They Responded to Fauxfended Magazine Editor's Woke Rant

AP Photo/John Antczak

As RedState reported Saturday, a woke magazine editor heard about it and then some after she took to the Twitter/X machine to express her displeasure over an Alaska Airlines flight attendant who she insinuated was part of a "Christian nationalist" conspiracy cabal for having the unmitigated nerve to wish departing passengers a "blessed" night.


The fauxfended person in question, Mother Jones editor-in-chief Clara Jeffery, went on to suggest without evidence that others on the flight "groaned" upon hearing the word, while Jeffery herself proclaimed that "Other adjectives that would have sufficed: great, awesome, fabulous, amazing, fantastic…" 

Later, we learned that she believed it all boiled down to "respect" for differing beliefs, a rather ironic claim considering what she'd just implied about the flight attendant's alleged motivations, although the airline employee likely was merely just trying to be courteous whether there was a deeper meaning behind it or not (as other Twitter users pointed out).

READ MORE: Woke Magazine Editor Gets More Than She Bargained for After Bigoted Rant About Alaska Airlines Flight

In an update to this story, we learned via our fabulous sister site Twitchy that Alaska Airlines' only response to being tagged in Jeffery's Twitter posts was to... untag themselves and move on:


As you can see from the above tweet, "AlaskaAir" is grayed out, meaning the airline most likely used Twitter's "leave the conversation" function, something the popular social media platform added in 2022 to the delight of many who found themselves tagged in unwanted back and forths and with no way out of them, which led to a clogged and cluttered mentions page.

For anyone unaware of this feature, here's how to use it:

Using Unmentioning is pretty easy. If you're stuck in a toxic conversation or just don't want to receive notifications for a thread you're a part of, you can tap or click on the three-dot menu next to a reply in the thread you want to exit and select "Leave this conversation." 

That untags you from the tweet and, though your username still appears in it, it'll be grayed out. You'll stop receiving notifications of the conversation and can't be tagged again in future replies. 

Back in my "flamethrower" days on social media, I used to unwittingly "feed the trolls" by going back and forth with them to try and win the debate and get the last word, but I learned over time that I was wasting precious time on them because they got off on it.


Good on Alaska Airlines for not allowing themselves to get sucked into the drama queening, and for focusing instead on responding to the tweets of those with legitimate issues. Considering how the sole purpose of the perpetually offended seems to be making the lives of their targets miserable - especially when those targets grovel and beg for forgiveness over perceived slights, sometimes the best response is simply no response at all. 

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