MSDNC's Stephanie Ruhle Does Herself and Kamala Harris No Favors With Hostile Defenses for 'Interview'

Townhall Media

As RedState reported, the "interview" MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle did with Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris on Wednesday was so bad that even the left-wing echo chamber at the New York Times couldn't help but take a sledgehammer to it. 


They correctly pointed out, for instance, that it was done primarily so Harris' handlers could say she'd done another cable news interview. Further, they noted that Harris' "media strategy has been to sit with friendly inquisitors who are not inclined to ask terribly thorny questions or press her when her responses are evasive."  

"A hard-hitting Harris interview is still yet to come," they also observed.

READ MORE-->> Unraveling: The Dam Breaks As the NY Times Notices Some Things About Kamala Harris' MSNBC 'Interview'

Whether or not the Times was merely feeling a bit chippy because Harris has yet to sit down for an interview with print media, their dissection of the segment with Ruhle and Harris was right on the mark.

Though it was perhaps the harshest of all criticisms out there, on Friday's "Morning Joe" program, Ruhle chose instead to take aim at Fox News over their focus on her interview and Melania Trump's new book, and GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump over his remarks about her time with Harris. 

Incredibly, her excuse for Harris not answering questions is that "it's tricky" to try and get politicians to give details, and secondly, evading questions is what all politicians do, so why should Harris be any different?


"It's really tricky, Joe, because you obviously want to cover all of these topics. But to just do it with one candidate, it's hard, because many people feel like she's speaking in platitudes, she's speaking about an economic vision, and she's not giving details. She's got an 80-page detailed policy proposal.

Do I think that she answers every single question and gives people exactly what they want? She doesn't. You know why? Because she's a politician, and none of them do. They all speak in platitudes."

She concluded her remarks by playing whataboutism games and proving her critics' points about her partisan interview style by attacking Trump's policy proposals while gushing over Harris'.


At one point, Ruhle sounded like a spokesperson for the Harris campaign, saying that even though Donald Trump has made the border crisis one of the top issues of his campaign, Harris visiting the southern border Friday for a photo op was a "huge win" for the failed border czar despite the fact it's only Harris' second visit to the border as vice president.



It's amazing how often these people prove our points for us as soon as they open their mouths in defense of what they've said or done. I'm sure discerning readers caught the fact that Ruhle wasn't just defending herself and how she conducted their exchange but she also gave a spirited defense of Harris and her non-answers in a way that would have made Baghdad Bob proud.

Once again, they're telling us who they are. And we should believe them.

RELATED: A Pre-Taped Kamala Harris Radio Interview Gets Delayed, the Reason Given for Why Is Laughable


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