Brian Stelter Dunked Into Next Week After Hot Take on Debate Moderators vs. Trump Completely Misses Point

Townhall Media

It just never fails.

Conservatives will have a legitimate issue with something, and will clearly express why they have the issue complete with receipts. And then Democrats and their shameless apologists in the mainstream press will work overtime to bury the issue by altering the narrative and turning it into something they think will paint those same conservatives in an unflattering light.


That is, of course, exactly what is happening after the ABC News debate debacle where one of the chief complaints from conservatives was how it essentially turned into a 3 against 1 debate, with GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump battling not just Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris but the moderators, David Muir and Linsey Davis.

READ MORE: ABC News 'Moderators' Made a Joke of the Presidential Debate

Specifically, the complaint is that while Trump was fact-checked (and sometimes the "fact checks" were wrong) and also had to argue against the moderators more than he did Harris, Harris' numerous falsehoods were allowed to slide as the moderators tended to treat her with kid gloves, and even sometimes invited her to pile on.

But one wouldn't know that if they listened to (and believed) the likes of CNN media hall monitor Brian Stelter who, sadly, has picked up right where he left off before being laid off from the network in August 2022, suggesting that the issue conservatives have with how the debate was handle is simply that Trump was fact-checked at all (bolded emphasis his):


My 2¢: Debate moderators are in an impossible position whenever Trump is on the stage. The same is true for journalists more broadly whenever Trump is the story: You're damned if you fact-check and you're damned if you don't.

Yeah... no. Again, the big problem is not that Trump was fact-checked:

And my "2 cents":


You feel like a broken record sometimes in calling this stuff out. But it has to be done. Because it's the only way some of them will (hopefully) ever learn.

Related -->> The 'Staggeringly Dishonest' Loser of the Night: Here's Lookin' at You, CNN 'Fact Checker' Daniel Dale


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