'Stop the Gaslighting': RFK Jr. Shreds Dems Over Ballot Manipulation, As Jill Stein Drops Some Receipts

AP Photo/Meg Kinnard

As RedState reported Wednesday, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, had quite a bit to say recently on the subject of how a terrified Democratic Party War Machine is working so hard to keep third-party candidates like Kennedy off the ballot headed into the November elections.


In an interview with podcaster Tom Bilyeu, Shanahan talked of social media shadowbanning, poll manipulation, and lawfare, all tactics she said had been used against their campaign. She also alleged that DNC "insiders" had infiltrated the RFK Jr. campaign organization to create even more headaches.

"They have banned us, shadowbanned us, kept us off stages, manipulated polls, used lawfare against us, sued us in every possible state. They've even planted insiders into our campaign to disrupt it and to create actual legal issues for us. And I mean, the extent by which the sabotage they've unleashed upon us, it's mindblowing," Shanahan stated.

READ MORE:  Nicole Shanahan Lays Out Just How Far the DNC Has Gone to Sabotage the Kennedy Campaign

On Wednesday after a court appearance in New York state to appeal a ruling that effectively would keep him off the ballot, Kennedy himself went off on Democrats who have talked big this week at the Democrat National Convention about voting rights and democracy but who behind the scenes have gone to unprecedented levels to suppress third-party candidates:

"The DNC is in Chicago talking about their commitment to voting rights, while they're spending tens, maybe hundreds of millions of dollars to keep me off the ballot." 

"There's a million people in this country who have signed petitions trying to get me on the ballot. 145,000 at least people here in New York State. They want to see me on the ballot. Why is the Democratic Party trying to disenfranchise those people? What's happened to the party?" 

"I don't think my father would recognize this party, and I don't think my uncle would recognize this party."



Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who Democrats blame in part for Hillary Clinton's loss to Donald Trump in 2016, echoed a similar viewpoint after listening to parts of former First Lady Michelle Obama's DNC speech Tuesday:

Receipts have also been dropped:

This is the dirty little (open) secret about the Democrat Party that their allies in the mainstream media have worked hard to keep buried, but it won't work, as actions undertaken by Democrat power brokers over the last several years have severely undercut their case that they are the party that will "protect voting rights" and "respect the will of the people."


Think about it: Just to name a few examples, there was the Russia collusion hoax, the impeachment efforts, the multiple indictments against Donald Trump by Joe Biden's DOJ, and there was the forcible withdrawal of Joe Biden from the presidential race even though he'd gone through the traditional primary process to be on the ballot. There have also been the Democrat campaigns to do away with the Electoral College.

Couple all of that with what Kennedy, Shanahan, and Stein have all described, and it becomes crystal clear which side truly has no respect for the democratic/electoral process, which is another reason they'd rather the focus be on J6 rather than official actions and stances taken by Democrat Party leaders that are the real threat to our elections process.

Related: White House Provides Unfortunate Money Quote for Kamala Harris As She Distances Herself From Joe Biden


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