Joe Biden Gets Asked About His 'Light Public Schedule', His Defensive Answer Is Incredible

The basement strategy has been more the rule than the exception for Joe Biden’s presidential campaign over the last several months.

While his supporters at CNN have painted Biden being sequestered in the basement as a smart, “concerted strategy” to counter the “kaleidoscope of chaos” allegedly presented by President Trump’s campaign rallies, there are some in the media who are openly questioning it in the final week before election day.


Watch below as Biden gets asked during a Pennsylvania stop about what his campaign schedule will be like in the coming days in light of the fact that the last few weeks he’s kept a “light public schedule.”

Biden’s defensive answer (he’s practically yelling at one point) is not only quite revealing, but it’s also pretty incredible considering he lists off strategy meetings with Democrats, virtual events, and other online activities where he doesn’t have to leave the house as “public appearances.” He also claimed he would be visiting states like Florida and Iowa down the homestretch:

“There’s not been a day that hasn’t been a 12 hour day yet.” Seriously? Maybe for President Trump, but not for Joe Biden.

Remember: Last week, a media lid was called by the campaign 4 days before the debate under the guise of prepping the Democratic presidential nominee to face Donald Trump on the debate stage. In reality, Biden and his campaign were doing their level best to avoid uncomfortable questions from the media about the Hunter Biden laptop/emails scandal, which has been a painful thorn in Biden’s side since the New York Post broke the explosive story two weeks ago.


Biden also proclaimed during the unscheduled presser Monday that the reason they were keeping the schedule light was to be responsible during the pandemic:

He said it only seems like his campaign is not as active because it isn’t holding irresponsible rallies like Trump is.

“The reason it looks like we’re not traveling — we’re not putting on superspreaders,” Biden said. “We are doing what we’re doing here. Everyone is wearing a mask and trying the best they can to be socially distanced. … It’s important to be responsible.”

Translation: It’s important to hide from the media.

As a side note to all this, Biden made the remarks about what his campaign would be up to and where they would allegedly be traveling at a spot about 20 miles from his home:

I’m not really buying the “we need to be responsible” stuff here, especially when you consider that Biden’s wife Jill, his vice presidential running mate Sen. Kamala Harris and others with the campaign have been doing tons of trips to different parts of the country over the last several weeks, far more than Biden himself has done. Though Biden is trying to give off the impression here that he’s keeping the busiest schedule he can in the midst of the pandemic, the receipts, quite frankly, do not add up.


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