Ever since former Joe Biden Senate staffer Tara Reade alleged in March that he sexually assaulted her in 1993, there has been a steady stream of the “decent guy” talking point coming from his supporters and some in the media, as though Biden allegedly being a “decent guy” is “evidence” that he would never force his attentions on an unwilling woman.
And as we draw ever closer to Election Day, the “decent guy” argument is being amplified by those who find President Trump’s aggressive approach to combating thinly sourced negative news stories about him unbefitting of a POTUS – because apparently Republicans are just supposed to sit back and take it when the media and Democrats (but I repeat myself) engage in smear tactics against their political opposition.
Here are just a few examples of the “decent guy” talking point in action in recent days:
Watching a special on @JoeBiden on @CNN and it’s so moving. I just can’t wait for him to be our President. A man who has this decency, this empathy, this humanity. I’m counting the days… I can’t wait.
— Maria Shriver (@mariashriver) October 18, 2020
At some basic level, it's pretty simple: Biden is just a decent guy. It's not much, but it's also a lot. I want my president to be a decent person. Full stop.
— Shadi Hamid (@shadihamid) October 16, 2020
Great point just made on @allinwithchris (and I agree with it because I make it too all the time LOL!) … Biden's "magic" is not that he is articulating some grand vision: it's that he's just a decent, empathetic man, offering us four years of maybe normal politics vs … this: pic.twitter.com/DRTpM1sIfR
— Joy JUST VOTE & MASK UP!! Reid 😷) (@JoyAnnReid) October 17, 2020
Meet the Press gets to Hunter Biden 56 minutes into show, via a guest. @ChuckTodd, dismisses “questionable hack,” asks of Trump campaign: “This is all they got left?” @AshleyRParker: It “actually makes Joe Biden seem like what voters already believe: a decent guy” #MTP pic.twitter.com/QE2E1KkJpT
— Brent Baker (@BrentHBaker) October 18, 2020
But Biden’s storied 47-year political career provides us with numerous examples of how the guy Trump refers to as “Sleepy Joe” is anything but the “decent guy” he’s being portrayed as by Democrats, the mainstream press, and even his own campaign. Among them:
Biden being a decent guy is one of the most persistent myths in U.S. politics. Spend ten minutes studying how he treated Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas, not to mention the countless stories of him touching women inappropriately, and the myth will be punctured. https://t.co/dKD77aRspn
— Alexandra DeSanctis (@xan_desanctis) October 16, 2020
Biden is not a decent guy.
He’s a scumbag. Lied about the guy involved in the accident that killed his wife and kids. Has made ACTUAL racist comments. Supported segregationists. And destroyed Robert Bork and almost Clarence Thomas.
And that’s just how he STARTED in politics. https://t.co/jOKtJKGU4j
— RBe (@RBPundit) October 16, 2020
But he is not a decent guy. He is a proven plagiarist, liar, and racist, he gets angry and irate with people who disagree w/ him. He also has sexual assault allegations against him. He just has ppl make excuses for him. But he is NOT a decent guy. https://t.co/DgM4cAraP5
— Artist_Angie: Sensei of Sarcasm (@Artist_Angie) October 16, 2020
Telling me I ain’t Black if I don’t vote for him isn’t decent.
You be stupid if you want to though.
— Mrs_Pinky Thoughts Come on, Man! (@MRSpinkston85) October 16, 2020
Remember that time he decently accused Romney of wanting to put black voters back in chains? https://t.co/LClYfGCVka
— Allan (@AllanRicharz) October 16, 2020
What decent guy would intentionally and habitually lie to the American people by telling that the president called White supremacists and now-Nazis very fine people, when he said the exact opposite? This gives those who believe it a license to hate his supporters. Divisive, evil.
— LadyxLibertyx12 ✝️🟧 🇺🇸🕊 (@LadyxLibertyx12) October 16, 2020
Let’s also not forget the story of how Biden used to swim naked in pools while in front of female Secret Service agents.
Even if Biden using his political office to enhance his wealth and that of his family could be excused away (it can’t), the fact that he’s apparently a dirty old man simply can’t be.
It’s not really a good idea for Democrats and the MSM to make this race about “character” and “decency,” because Joe Biden has more going against him on that front that he does for him. And the more the left tries to make “decency” an issue in this campaign, the more their candidate is going to be hammered on the deep character flaws the MSM seems determined to hide.
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