As we’ve previously documented, CNN’s supposedly objective “Prime Time” anchor Chris Cuomo has proven himself to be an outright embarrassment to his profession, frequently coming into interviews unprepared and always with a predetermined angle to exploit.
In addition to that, Cuomo has also shown himself to be a generally awful person and hypocrite, unwilling to hold himself (and Democrats) to the same standards he holds everyone else to.
Cuomo proved his critics right once again in every way Tuesday night in the “interview” he conducted with St. Louis, Missouri homeowner Mark McCloskey, 63, and his attorney Albert Watkins.
McCloskey, along with his wife Patricia, 61, have seen their faces and their home splashed all over social media and on news programs in video form and have been doxxed and threatened after brandishing a gun and a rifle in an effort to defend themselves and their home from Black Lives Matter agitators who trespassed onto their property by storming through a private gate Sunday.
The interview was choppy at times, but McCloskey held his own against the visibly agitated anchor, who right out of the gate tried to make McCloskey the (white) face of “political resistance to the Black Lives Matter movement”:
CUOMO: Mr. McCloskey/Counselor, we can talk about the legal rights and the facts. But I want to talk about not having a right but whether or not something is right first, which is, how do you feel about becoming the face of political resistance to the Black Lives Matter Movement?
MCCLOSKEY: First of all, that’s a completely ridiculous statement. I’m not the face of anything opposing the Black Lives Matters Movement. I was a person scared for my life, who was protecting my wife, my home, my hearth, my livelihood.
McCloskey then went on to point out the circumstances that led to his and his wife’s decision to show demonstrators almost immediately after they trespassed that they shouldn’t even attempt to take one step closer to their home:
And you have to have this in the context of St. Louis, where on June, the 2nd of this year, I watched the city burn, I watched the 7-Eleven get smashed in, looted, and burned for 40 minutes, on live television, with nobody showing up to do anything.
And I realized, at that time, we’re on our own. When bad things happen, they unpredictably turn it really bad, real fast. That’s the same night retired St. Louis Police Captain David Dorn was murdered. These things get very bad very quickly.
It was then that Cuomo began to demonstrate his unmitigated hypocrisy, challenging McCloskey on if anything happened to him, his wife or his home that would have justified them pointing the weapons at protesters:
CUOMO: But I’m saying, that night, did anything happen to you, your family or your property?
MCCLOSKEY: Yes, it’s called social intimidation. It’s called terrorism. Chris, what’s the definition of terrorism? To use violence and intimidation to frighten the public. That’s what was happening that night. It’s what happened to me. And that’s the damage I suffered.
Cuomo full well understands this considering how he aggressively confronted a man who called him “Fredo” last year in a public place, and considering how he admittedly tried to confront a 65-year-old bicyclist in April who called him out for breaking quarantine outside of his under-construction East Hampton home while suffering from the Wuhan virus. Cuomo later called the man a “jackass, loser, fat-tire biker” on his radio program, which made the man feel threatened enough to file a police complaint against Cuomo.
Judging by the video, the McCloskeys had plenty of reasons to feel as though they needed to defend themselves, but in Cuomo’s eyes the right defend your family and home is only reserved for people like him who think the “correct way” or something. And there is no doubt whatsoever that Cuomo would have erupted into an absolute fit of pure rage had protesters stormed his East Hampton home and started yelling. Probably would have speed-dialed his brother Gov. Andrew Cuomo to call them off.
Later in the interview, Cuomo also claimed that the protesters were simply on the way to the mayor’s home, a claim that has been widely reported in the media but which is untrue, as McCloskey pointed out:
MCCLOSKEY: Chris, that’s an entirely false concept. No single media outlet has ever mentioned the complete falsity of that statement. The Mayor’s house cannot be reached through my neighborhood. [Mayor] Lyda Krewson lives up on a road called Lake and Washington. That’s three blocks north, and a half a mile west, of my house.
McCloskey was also prepared to inform Cuomo as to the intentions expressed by the organizer of the protest, which Cuomo didn’t appear to be aware of:
MCCLOSKEY: However, the leader of the entity called “Expect US” that organized this, whatever it was, announced ahead of time that he does not want to have a peaceful protest. He wants to have it be as disruptive as possible.
And when interviewed subsequently, he said, “I know it was illegal. I know it was a private neighborhood. But when you’re doing protests of this nature, it’s necessary to break the law to get your ends met.” And that’s – that’s what was happening
Cuomo continued to argue the (false) point that the McCloskeys were never threatened, and that no one ever took a step towards their home, which McCloskey refuted by stating that the reason protesters didn’t get any closer is because they (the McCloskeys) had their guns pointed at them.
The CNN anchor also said at various times during the interview that he didn’t like that the McCloskeys had become “the face” of any anti-BLM movement even though he literally spent the entire interview trying to do that by way of tying them to Trump and “white supremacy.” At one point Cuomo even claimed Trump deleted the retweet he did of the video of their stand-down Sunday, but was corrected on air (in his earpiece) by someone who pointed out the tweet Trump deleted was the one where a senior citizen chanted “white power” during a heated war of words in The Villages retirement community in Florida between Trump-supporting senior citizens and pro-Biden seniors 2 weeks ago.
Like I said earlier – completely unprepared, complete hypocrite, and an angle to push that ultimately never pans out.
Here are a couple of key clips from the segment, courtesy of Newsbusters. Watch below and decide for yourself:
Predictably, Chris Cuomo doesn't like when people come up to him with his family, but if you're someone like Mark McCloskey, he doesn't care about your safety. Instead, he lectures McCloskey as the one who was in the wrong, not the mob.
Thankfully, McCloskey kicked his ass. pic.twitter.com/2XjNnD0AOX
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) July 1, 2020
Chris Cuomo ends with back-handed swipes at Mark McCloskey as an image of whiteness and opposition to Black Lives Matter, so McCloskey fires back with some 🔥🔥🔥🔥 : "I'm glad you're a mind reader because no one else thinks you are." pic.twitter.com/ewowmBeSFg
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) July 1, 2020
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