Apparently there were long lines and voting issues galore Tuesday during Georgia’s primary, and naturally Democrats and the media rushed to blame it on “voter suppression” and likening the situation to 2018, when Democrat gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams lost the election to Republican Brian Kemp and falsely claimed it was due to state efforts to suppress the black vote.
CNN’s Chris Cuomo was one of many in the mainstream media who took the “voter suppression” ball and ran with it in a heated back and forth with Statewide Voting Implementation Manager Gabriel Sterling, who made it clear he was not going to be trifled with nor was he going to allow his state to be smeared by yet another media lie about how elections are run in Georgia.
Cuomo hit Sterling with Democratic talking point after talking point about polling places allegedly being deliberately shut down in places where there tend to be higher numbers of black Democrats who vote, claiming it was a repeat of 2018. Sterling corrected him everytime by laying out what really happened, saying much of it was related to the Wuhan virus outbreak:
Cuomo’s research team left him ill-prepared for the fact bombs Sterling was about to drop. “Well, the reality of what you’re seeing in Georgia today is a function of the COVID situation in large part,” Sterling began. He went on to explain that the state had lost many polling places as locations such as churches and VFW halls opted out of hosting.
Pointing to Fulton County, which “collapsed many of those locations into mega precincts,” Sterling said state election officials told them “this is not a good idea, you need to find other alternative locations,” but they didn’t listen.
And when it came to who made those decisions, Sterling noted: “They are made at the county level and the state has zero ability to tell them not do that.” They also had to roll with the punches and train new poll workers since their average age was 70 and they didn’t want to risk going out.
Sterling upended Fredo’s argument. Cuomo began by bashing Trump’s position on mail-in voting, but his guest countered by noting that Georgia had just launched the state’s largest mail-in voting campaign ever, with over 1.3 million registered voters turning in a ballot before Election Day.
Sterling also noted that “the rules of COVID spacing only allowed four voters at a time into the place.” That will understandably slow down the voting process quite a bit, especially on a day where there was allegedly record turnout.
Read more of what Sterling had to say about what happened Tuesday and about the election issues he says the state has had with Democrat-run Fulton County “for years” here, and watch the highlight reel below:
His counter punches to Cuomo’s pre-canned arguments fall under the definition of a “narrative interrupted”, folks. And the look on Cuomo’s face midway through says it all. He was not prepared for what Sterling brought.
It’s downright tiresome to keep seeing Republicans being blamed for Democrat failures. Bravo to Sterling for anticipating Cuomo’s questions and for being prepared.
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