Results for: democrats should replace

Democrat Comeback? Not So Fast...
– Tuesday was a good night for Democrats. Tuesday afternoon? Well, it wasn’t so good. … In fact, fewer Americans said they have a favorable view of Republicans than Democrats. … It should come as no surprise that with President Donald Trump’s historically low approval ratings Democrats are gaining seats.…
Will They Replace Joe Biden?
– house with no one home, and the fact that all the attempts by the media to make it seem otherwise are failing miserably, will they replace …  Not that the Democrats would bite the hook she's baited. …  But the ultimate question is, "Should they replace Joe Biden?" Yes.…
I Want to Keep the Filibuster for Judges
– But I do not think that means we should for one reason. … We should not make it easier for them to do so. … President to replace her.…
Three Reasons Democrats Won't Filibuster The Neil Gorsuch SCOTUS Nomination
– 1. 2018 looms large for Democrats – The map is bad for Democrats. … Democrats will go all in to make sure a conservative justice doesn’t replace a liberal or even a swing vote justice like Anthony Kennedy … Gorsuch was made for this and Democrats are sure to look silly in their opposition.…
Trump Cripples Obamacare by Ceasing Critical Payments to Obamacare Subsidies…amacare-ceasing-critical-payments-obamacare-subsidies-n78205
– “Congress needs to repeal and replace the disastrous Obamacare law and provide real relief to the American people.” … The Democrats ObamaCare is imploding. Massive subsidy payments to their pet insurance companies has stopped. … Dems should call me to fix! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 13, 2017    …
The Fight of the Century
– This, friends, is exactly what the Democrats said about the GOP on healthcare in 2010. … The GOP should not reduce itself to repeating the Democrats mistakes or defensive rhetoric. … They and their forebears did not fight to keep this country free only to see Democrats willfully collapse the system to replace it…
People Who Screamed ‘Bake the Cake!’ Advocate ‘Don’t Serve Them!’ To Obamacare Opponents
– Apparently, it’s totally fine to not serve people you disagree with again because Democrats are upset about Republicans controlling … A group called the “Democratic Coalition Against Trump” is so irritated that Republicans want to repeal and replace Obamacare that … Disagree on how Americans should buy health insurance?…
Poor Gavin: CA's Governor in an Uncomfortable Pickle Over DiFi's Senate Seat…or-in-an-uncomfortable-pickle-over-difis-senate-seat-n752778
– Senator (Alex Padilla having been tapped to replace Kamala Harris when she ascended to the vice presidency). The problem? …  vying to replace her, with Newsom stuck in the middle. … Presumably to blunt criticism aimed at his selection of Padilla, a Hispanic man, to replace Harris, a black woman.…
Cook Political Report shifts California-26 from Lean D to Toss-up.
– What should probably worry Brownley more is that the combined total percentage of Republican votes was over 50%.   … In CA-25 Democrats were locked out of the race to replace Buck McKeon.  That seat is now Safe Republican. … The Democrats still haven’t seemed to work out how to work with the new top-two primary system.…
The October (not at all) Surprises for Both Hillary and Trump are Exploding Right Now
– If Democrats have any morals, and I’ve seen no evidence that they do, they will replace Hillary. Oh, she can win. … So the Democrats don’t have to replace her. But they should. This race shouldn’t be this close. … So they should replace her even though they don’t have to.…
Rachel Maddow: 'Ooh!' The Democrats are Taking Back America
– they finally took control of the entire state government…Before 2016…the Iowa Senate was ever-so-delicately still controlled by Democrats … Since the 2016 presidential election, Democrats running in special elections overall have seen an average shift in their favor of 12 … However, if there’s one thing 2016 taught us, it’s that Democrats should never say “clearly, definitely.”…
Reconfirm Jessica Rosenworcel at FCC only when Trump nominates her
– She should be reconfirmed, but only when Donald Trump renominates her in conjunction with a Republican to replace Tom Wheeler. … Republicans should slap them here, make them understand a little humility here. … The Democrats threatened to overturn traditions. Once Republicans are in power, they should restore those traditions.…
Democrats Told To Stop Campaigning On Obamacare
– Note just how bad it must be for the Democrats and their messaging if “many are unaware that [Obamacare] has passed.” … This is consistent willful naivety by the Democrats. … should avoid making the claim that Obamacare will reduce costs and cut the deficit.…
Feinstein Sparks More Concerns After She Appears to Deny Reality About Absence From Senate…he-appears-to-deny-reality-about-absence-from-senate-n747087
– “You should follow the — I haven’t been gone. I’ve been working.” … But all the Democrats care about is how they can hold onto power. … Unfortunately, the Democrats running so far to replace her are both worse than her, if that’s possible — Rep.…
What Would Happen If the Democrats Replaced Biden With... Nobody?
– Who will replace them? … What might replace the Democrats, should they collapse completely, is a topic for another day.See Related: Oddsmakers: Biden's …  Withdrawing from the race and focusing on internal issues might actually be a good thing for the Democrats.…
The Arguments Against a Juneteenth Holiday Are Skull-Hammeringly Ridiculous…juneteenth-holiday-are-skull-hammeringly-ridiculous-n398391
Democrats really need to stop trying to repackage segregation. I’ll be celebrating July 4th and July 4th only. … The event it commemorates is something that should be celebrated by all Americans. … Republicans, especially, should take pride in the notion that the slaves were finally freed in Texas.…
Judge David Flanagan linked to Scott Walker recall. Twice.
– Quick background, as to why you should care: Judge Flanagan has placed a temporary (although you can count on the Democrats wanting … Normally that wouldn’t be all that big a deal, except that this year the Democrats are openly calling for disrupting the Republican … If they cannot live under their own set of rules, then they should abandon that ruleset and replace it with a viable one.…
House Freedom Caucus Looks to Bounce Pelosi as Speaker Before the Election…ooks-to-bounce-pelosi-as-speaker-before-the-election-n254628
– Freedom Caucus, a group of GOP Congresspersons have attempted to push Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to make a procedural move to replace … Such a split could cause significant waves in the unity the Democrats have coalesced for November. … While this is a long-shot bid, should McCarthy agree to the vote, it should make for some interesting fireworks in the House for a…
SC-01 Special Election Results Thread; UPDATE: Sanford Wins
– [UPDATE- Moe Lane] Now that the election is over, it is of course necessary to commemorate the way that the DCCC and Democrats have … — Now that it’s after 7pm, the polls have closed in South Carolina for the First Congressional District’s special election to replace … We should know who the winner is within a couple of hours. Use this thread to discuss the results.…
Republicans Discuss Who Could Replace McCarthy if He's Ousted - Here Are the Names…e-kevin-mccarthy-if-he-is-ousted-here-are-the-names-n2164516
– Gaetz has repeatedly criticized the speaker for his seeming willingness to compromise with Democrats and his seeming inability to push … The Florida lawmaker has been discussing McCarthy’s ouster with Republicans and Democrats in the House. … Indeed, Gaetz would have to get about 200 Democrats to sign on to the effort, which would be a gargantuan undertaking.…
A Democrat Completely Gives the Game Away in Quasi-Genocidal Memorial Day Post…s-the-game-away-in-quasi-genocidal-memorial-day-post-n389579
– Instead, a Democrat decided to dabble in some kind of quasi-genocidal call to replace Republicans so the country can turn into a utopian … seek to replace traditionally conservative American voters via artificially boosted demographic shifts, specifically with immigration … Democrats don’t live in reality, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take them seriously because they are going to do everything in…
Bob Bennett: Sore Loser
– I guess that is understandable.Well, today we’re getting word that Bob Bennet’s son is now working for the Democrats in Utah.How fitting … campaign for a fourth term this year, has begun working as a volunteer on the Senate campaign of Democrat Sam Granato, who hopes to replace … discussing ways to change Utah’s candidate-selection process.Jim Bennett says his defection to a Democratic candidate for the Senate should
Breaking: Sen. John Walsh (D, Montana) cuts and runs.
Should have done it a week ago, frankly. Sen. … As to the plagiarist’s replacement, well… I don’t know what’s more depressing for Democrats: that their best hope to replace Walsh…
California Recall Election Ballots Begin to Arrive
– Question one is a YES or NO that simply asks if Governor Gavin Newsom should be removed from office. … If you vote YES, you must choose only one from a list of forty-six candidates to replace him. … affixed at the Assembly and State Senate levels of government, the easiest way for Californians to disrupt the status quo is to replace
Is #ReplaceBiden Gaining Steam? High-Profile Bernie Bros Share Video Noting Party's 'MeToo' Hypocrisy…bernie-bro-share-video-noting-partys-metoo-hypocrisy-n136255
– They’ve gotten so loud, in fact, that pieces are being written asserting that it either should be done, or noting that it can be done … Here are a few examples, some of which were written the day of the Joe/Mika segment: –NY Mag: Can Democrats Force Joe Biden Off the … B –Cedar Rapids Gazette columnist Lyz Lenz: Biden should step aside.…
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