Leading Virologists, Including Dr. Ralph Baric, Believe the COVID 'Accidental Release Possibility Remains Viable'

Xiao Yijiu/Xinhua via AP

Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been many questions about the origin of the virus that causes COVID-19 and the alleged coincidental zoonotic spillover (a natural mutation) that occurred just blocks away from a Chinese Weapons Lab that is studying these same types of viruses.  During that time, conservative stories even questioning the origin of SARS-CoV-2 were flagged by Big Tech and the MSM as misinformation and propaganda. I wrote an article last year regarding a Chinese scientist who blew the whistle about this very issue, only to have that story flagged by Facebook as “fake news.”


Imagine my surprise when I saw the open letter published late Thursday in Science Magazine online, is titled, “Investigate the Origins of COVID-19.”  As I reported earlier, it’s penned by renowned virological expert physicians from MIT, Harvard, Cal Tech, Yale, Cambridge, Berkeley, and Stanford – including the US researcher who worked directly with the Wuhan Institute of Virology performing gain-of-function research in coronaviruses – states that the “accidental release possibility remains viable,” meaning they believe there’s a viable possibility that this pandemic is the result of an accidental release from WIV.

Remember that last year (and even as recently as three days ago), as some of us were questioning the coincidence of the location of the initial outbreak, the MSM was shrieking that was a “conspiracy theory” and to believe the determination of the World Health Organization and the Chinese government, which stated that there was no way that the virus came from a lab, and it was absolutely a zoonotic spillover. To which many of us had the rational response – why would we believe anything put out by the Chinese government that isn’t independently verified?

It turns out that these 18 scientists feel the same way. From the letter:

In May 2020, the World Health Assembly requested that the World Health Organization (WHO) director-general work closely with partners to determine the origins of SARS-CoV-2 (2). In November, the Terms of Reference for a China–WHO joint study were released (3). The information, data, and samples for the study’s first phase were collected and summarized by the Chinese half of the team; the rest of the team built on this analysis. Although there were no findings in clear support of either a natural spillover or a lab accident, the team assessed a zoonotic spillover from an intermediate host as “likely to very likely,” and a laboratory incident as “extremely unlikely” [(4), p. 9]. Furthermore, the two theories were not given balanced consideration. Only 4 of the 313 pages of the report and its annexes addressed the possibility of a laboratory accident (4). Notably, WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus commented that the report’s consideration of evidence supporting a laboratory accident was insufficient and offered to provide additional resources to fully evaluate the possibility (5). (emphasis added)


During my Thursday appearance on The Grace Curley show, I questioned this very thing. I talked about the “debunking” the media consistently throws in our face when we question the origin of COVID-19:

“Specifically, with the ‘debunking’ – and I use air quotes around this – is the fact that, who debunked it? The Chinese Government and the WHO. Who — by the way, the WHO is on the Chinese Government’s dime.  So of course the WHO is going to respond what the Chinese Government 1, provides to it, and 2, tells it to.”

It seems now that my analysis was correct, AND it is supported by the globe’s leading viral experts. Their letter states that the WHO never actually performed any on-the-ground investigations or inspections of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but rather they were fed a summation of the information from the Chinese Government which was then “analyzed” by the WHO. We have been told to ignore the mounting evidence pointing to an accidental release from the Chinese lab, which would implicate the CCP – and possibly the US government – in causing one of the worst viral outbreaks in human history.

Further complicating the issue is the source that the MSM used to forward this “debunking” narrative.

An April 23, 2020 NPR article entitled “Virus Researchers Cast Doubt on Theory of Coronavirus Lab Accident” leaned heavily toward zoonotic spillover, citing an expert named Peter Daszak:


“The real risk is in the wild in the way people interact with wildlife around the world,” says Peter Daszak, president of the EcoHealth Alliance in New York City, a group that researches the origins of pandemics. “That’s where we need to be focused if we want to really do something about preventing the next pandemic.”

In February 2021 the Washington Examiner released an article detailing the complaints of a “WHO investigator” who had a beef with the Biden Administration’s calls to further investigate the release of COVID-19 and who pooh-poohed any information obtained by US intelligence agencies:

“Joe Biden has to look tough on China,” [Peter] Daszak tweeted in response to a South China Morning Post article detailing how the Biden administration would not necessarily believe the China-WHO conclusions without the United States doing its own inquiry. “Please don’t rely too much on US intel: increasingly disengaged under Trump & frankly wrong on many aspects. Happy to help WH with their quest to verify, but don’t forget it’s ‘TRUST’ then ‘VERIFY’!”

As I reported yesterday, Daszak has a huge motive for discrediting US intel reports – funding for the NIH grants his non-profit receives to do research at WIV was halted in 2020 and the research can only resume once his group, EcoHealth Alliance, meets standards for transparency and safety. Why didn’t NPR report that massive conflict of interest?


In March the Washington Examiner wrote an article entitled “WHO origins investigator defends Wuhan lab and blames lack of access on ‘anti-China political rhetoric,” which discussed the work done to determine the origin of COVID-19 and pointed out Daszak’s interest (emphasis added):

Officials from both the Trump and Biden administrations have said the Chinese government worked to thwart investigations into the origins of the virus, which has killed 2.63 million worldwide, and the WHO-China report is slated to be released next week. Both administrations said China was not transparent and is still concealing key data. Congressional reports blamed China’s duplicity and the WHO’s incompetence for an outbreak becoming a pandemic.

Peter Daszak, the leader of the EcoHealth Alliance, which steered at least $600,000 in National Institutes of Health funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for bat coronavirus research, called the lab’s decision to take down a public database containing thousands of viral samples “absolutely reasonable” during a Chatham House discussion Wednesday, claiming the lab did so because it was hit by hackers. The discussion seemed to preview the WHO’s impending report, and Daszak attempted to justify the Chinese government’s yearlong intransigence by pointing to alleged anti-China sloganeering, without placing blame on China.


So again, Daszak is here defending the Chinese government’s action of concealing a great deal of the research done at the lab as a simple bureaucratic process rather than a cover-up, essentially calling anyone who disagrees with him a racist. Does anyone else find it funny that the organization that funded the very type of research that may have led to the release of COVID-19 is suddenly defending the Chinese government’s lack of transparency (or cover-up, depending upon your choice of words)?  Why are they all circling the wagons when it comes to research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology?

We probably all know the answer to that question.


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