Last night, on the first night of the RNC Convention, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott (R) gave an impassioned speech about his love for the country and his family’s rise from poverty over his trail from “cotton to Congress.” People across GOP circles widely praised the speech as among the best they have ever heard and the most concise explanation of GOP principles given in a very long time.
On the left, however, Scott’s blockbusting speech was viewed in a much different way; One that would continue to earn the support from renowned white supremacist, Richard Spencer. A quick search on Twitter returned tweet after tweet of racist, bigoted hate thrown in the direction of not only Senator Scott but many of the night’s other minority speakers (as noted by my colleague Becca Lower).
Take a look:
Uncle Tom, oh l mean Tim Scott…
— Jacquella Morrison (@JacquellaM) August 24, 2020
This dude Tim Scott a straight up Uncle Tom. #UncleTom
— #BlackLivesMatter #DefundThePolice #NFAC (@BarrySheck) August 25, 2020
Uncle Tom Tim Scott invokes Breonna Taylor, George Floyd in Trump convention speech https://t.co/vissvPguLu
— WTF (@elzey_t) August 25, 2020
Uncle Tom…#RNC #TimScott pic.twitter.com/E2M7kUkVc5
— JSS (@MyMindsRants) August 25, 2020
Tim Scott is a next level coon.
— Smoove (@DelanteCherry) August 25, 2020
Senator Tim Scott – The House Negro on call @cspanwj
— George Monroe (@Nupe117) August 23, 2020
And now you know why I went all the way to the West Coast you have sellout black folks like Tim Scott House negro cooning for Donald Trump I don't understand how you elect this man to be a part South Carolina politics he's going to definitely be cooning for the white people
— Dj_ Martini J (@DjMartiniJ1) August 25, 2020
Biden will turn America into a socialist society? Really, Tim?
After last night’s RNC performance, I expect the Oreo Tim Scott to be promoted to the house Negro in the trump White House.
— Steve Bohne (@BohneSteve) August 25, 2020
The racially questionable actions were even endorsed by some Democrat elected officials:
Democrat @RepCohen just liked a tweet saying Tim Scott 'might as well be white' pic.twitter.com/VpIua2Ja9I
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) August 25, 2020
As the modern left has sent the standard for Trump, requiring that he publicly denounce every racist comment from each and every individual supporter, when can we expect a comment from the Biden camp denouncing the use of such racist and derogatory terms as found in the above tweets?
I wouldn’t hold my breath.
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