Dear RedStater,
The Third Annual RedState Gathering is coming up very soon — and we’d like to invite you to attend.
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With the race for the GOP presidential nomination shifting into high gear, this much-anticipated annual gathering promises to be the best one yet.
It will be held on August 12-14 at the Francis Marion Hotel in Charleston, South Carolina — and will feature as its keynote speaker South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.
Governor Haley, as I’m sure you know, is one of the most principled, outspoken, articulate and magnetic conservative leaders of our time — a future vice-presidential and even presidential contender to be sure. An uncompromising foe of big government and federal intrusion on states’ rights and individual liberties, she recently took on President Obama over the attempts by one of his appointed thugs, National Labor Relations Board Chief Craig Becker, to prevent Boeing from opening a non-union factory there.
But Governor Haley is not the only conservative “star” you’ll have a chance to hear (and maybe chat with!) in person at this year’s RedState Gathering. Other confirmed speakers include:
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Adam Hasner, former member of the Florida House of Representatives (2002-2010) and current candidate for U.S. Senator from Florida. Best known for serving as Marco Rubio’s hand-picked Majority Leader, Adam is a life long Republican who believes in limited government, free markets, and a strong national defense. At just 41-years of age, Human Events, National Review, Newsmax, The St. Petersburg Times and the Washington Post have all called Hasner Florida’s next conservative rising star. |
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Ted Cruz, candidate for the 2012 Republican Party nomination for the United States Senate. What makes Ted a truly remarkable speaker and candidate are, first, his deeply held belief in America and our need to stand up to defend her against the Obama agenda and the Washington establishment; and second, his extraordinary substantive record exhibited throughout his life, highlighted by his repeated fight for the Constitution and conservative principles as Solicitor General of Texas. |
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Michael Williams, another candidate for U.S. Senator from Texas, considered the “anti-Obama” for his refusal to toe the liberal line expected of most African-American politicians. “We need conservatives willing to engage the Democrats on the field of ideas… willing to speak of a 21st Century conservatism… willing to stand and fight on principle. We need leaders like Michael Williams.” |
Speaking invitations have also been extended to conservative headliners including Jim DeMint,Mike Pence, Tim Pawlenty, and Herman Cain.
With an “all-star” conservative lineup like this, the 3rd Annual RedState Gathering will be the must-attend event of the year — and I promise you’ll have a ball.
Upon registering, details on how to obtain our discount group hotel rate will be sent to you via email.
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