Oregon should never have mass shootings. It’s too enlightened, too progressive, and too secular and has way too much gun control for violence to ever be possible. Just how well is the scourge of the firearm defended against? Here’s the list of regulations that were in effect at Umpqua Community College.
“Possession, use, or threatened use of firearms (including but not limited to BB guns, air guns, water pistols, and paint guns) ammunition, explosives, dangerous chemicals, or any other objects as weapons on college property, except as expressly authorized by law or college regulations, is prohibited. Possession of knives with a blade longer than 4” is prohibited. Brandishing weapons is prohibited. Misuse of personal defensive weapons – e.g., pepper spray, etc. is prohibited. The owner is responsible and accountable for any misuse of these devices.”
We know this sad day that the tragic truth is far different. Gun Control measures do nothing to stop mass shooters. The Man Who Will Remain Nameless had no rational expectation of surviving the event. Do you think the specter of having to fight a possession beef with the DA was suddenly going to alter his thinking? Of course not. Do you think respect for the law was part of this man’s moral fiber? Hardly. He detested the society he lived in. Why would he have any respect for its laws?
Why did this man have no respect for human life? Too bad the PPFA hearings in Congress were a dud. Cecile Richards is hermetically unavailable for comment. We are a nation that only thinks life matters when we can weaponize a certain subset of lives to win political fights. Nobody in America gives a rat’s rear end about your life unless they are related to you or they are different from the average loser watching reality television. We are a nation raised to believe in abortion and maybe euthanasia as rights and dead babies as the punch-line of really funny stand-up comedy. The Man Who Will Remain Nameless just took our popular culture at its word and then extended that hideous moral logic without loss of generality to a few more subsets of useless people. You should expect this from a nation that fails to uphold the sanctity of life.
So how could this guy specifically shoot Christians? Easily. The true, practicing Christian is the most resented and least protected minority in the world. We have a Pontifex Maximus who has incorporated a Marxist hammer and sickle into the crucifix. The Marxists are the people who told the world religion is the opiate of the masses. So why shoot the Christians? You want a drug-free America or not? When Christianity tolerates its own destruction, you should expect that Christians get segregated and specifically gunned down for witnessing their faith.
And why else would The Man Who Will Remain Nameless just shoot ten of his fellow human beings? He wants to make a name for himself that I refuse to give him. He tells his good buddies online* the following:
“Seems the more people you kill, the more you’re in the limelight,” he wrote in a blog expressing admiration for Roanoke, Va., shooter Vester Flanagan, according to the Daily Beast.
So The Man Who Will Remain Nameless was a pathetic solipsist. What’s the problem? That gets you elected in Post-modern America. Sociopath narcissism is a political force multiplier. The POTUS just couldn’t bring himself to address the tragedy without mentioning his own name 28 times in a 12 Minute speech. How could the shooter have been that egocentric with Emperor Obama, Dominus et Deus, addressing himself reverently in the 3rd person from the White Palace? And don’t even get me started on The Donald.™ Solipsism and total unconcern for others are both rewarded by Post-modern America. You should expect a significant increase in tragedies like the one in Oregon just from that alone.
But hey, if we just had more gun control, we’d get rid of the whole problem. The Man Who Will Remain Nameless would have played Parcheesi or jogged five miles that morning instead. There is nothing here that surrendering more of our valueless lives to the government wouldn’t immediately fix. And you know what else? The guy was also into horror movies and 4-Chan. We should just get rid of the movie industry and The Internet while we’re being puritanical.
If he couldn’t get guns or violent ideas, I know he would have won the local quilting bee instead of shooting people at a community college. So let’s get [mc_name name=’Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’M000355′ ] to do us a political deal here. We’ll get Hollywood Control and Internet Control in return for Gun Control. I know all the Progressives eager to prevent mass shootings will jump all over that one.
*-This guy having an active 4-Chan account should surprise no sentient being.
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