Things That Heb and Jillary Are Just Too Arrogant To Understand

Tweetledum and Tweetledumberer
Tweetledum and Tweetledumberer

So there’s what you could see and what you do see. If you’re optimizing your effectiveness as a person and a leader, these two sets will mutually cover. Translating somewhat theoretical math jargon to English restates this as you see literally everything you should be able to see. Most of us, your Humble Included, just don’t quite open the aperture that widely. There is stuff we do not want to see and therefore subconsciously tell ourselves to neglect even though we could be able to spot it.


One particular thing I yea verily detest about our media-anointed front-runners in the 2016 Presidential Nominations is the fact that neither Republicrat Jeb Bush nor Demopublican Hillary Rodham Clinton is modest enough to see much of the world that stinks and burns right under their upturned noses. There are each in their own grating manner too arrogant to understand everything that they could know about the country they presume to inherit through the bought-and-paid-for spectacle of a show pony election worthy of a Fidel Castro run for President in Cuba. Issues, to these two entitled pampered nobles are for those little people who have them.

So in the interest of improving the current rancid state of American Politics, here is a Top 10 List of problems put together by Charles Hugh Smith of things a genuinely patriotic candidate for POTUS should be personally and morally invested in fixing.

Ten Wonderful Things I’m Grateful For (Irony Alert)
1. I’m grateful that our choice of president has been reduced to two equally detestable dynasties or their proxies.
2. I’m grateful that I can watch a full spectrum of entertainment, ranging from depraved to dreadfully unfunny
3. I’m grateful that there are so many opportunities to borrow money
4. I’m grateful that every food item in the store now contains sugar in one form or another
5. I’m grateful I live in a country where the government can trample on the rights of its citizens behind a thin veil of legitimacy.
6. I’m grateful for our national obsession with fostering phony self-esteem that has no basis in accomplishment, dedication or sacrifice for others,
7. I’m grateful that we have institutionalized moral hazard as the unspoken law of the land,
8. I’m grateful our financial markets are now dominated by Federal Reserve manipulation, high frequency trading and dark pool shadow banking.
9. I’m grateful that money can buy political influence so transparently
10. I’m grateful that our mainstream media is owned by a handful of corporations,


So much of this list (2, 3, 4, 9 and 10) seem to be beyond the purview of direct action by anyone in office. This neglects the fact that they are all negative externalities of a self-reinforcing, perpetually insulated government by and for the elite of both major parties. Heb and Jillary look at this list and sees features instead of bugs. To either one of these plastic, corporate phony Americans this would remind them of a Sam Kineson routine.

“Buddy,” says the policeman. “You are legally drunk.”
“So Oschiffer…., What’s the problem?”

You are not supposed to have these things. Heb and Jillary take these things away from you for your own good. So here, in order would be the RMJ agenda to fix this feke storm and get things back on track. Just because, unlike these to entitled fops, I care.

Completely deregulating political speech will pretty much kill numbers 1 and 9. You doubt me? Who do you think has enough influence and money to afford the steep cost of buying government regulation? The very people the politicians sanctimoniously claim to be protecting us from.

Aggressively unleash the Early 20th Century Anti-Trust Legislation and clean out the crony capitalists the way The Continental Op mowed down the syndicate running Poisonville. Crappy entertainment, crappy media, crappy food, and heck #11 on my gripe list; crappy beer all stem from the same fecal source. A group corners a market, buys regulatory capture, sets up totally arbitrary barriers to entry in their niche and then cynically underserves the gullible public. Government does not need to ram a few hundred new Politburo Diktats down our throats every year. They could just get busy enforcing the laws already on the books in the name of the public interest.


Institutionalizing a strong dollar and a non-Zirp Federal Funds Rate would take out credit bubbles and put the consequence hammer down on moral hazard. Combine that with the condign gutting of The Dodd Frank Wall Street Monopoly Assurance Act of 2009 and were back in business for people whose business is actually serving customers rather than pedaling influence and buying regulatory capture.

Absolutely trashing most of the gawdawful USA Patriot Act* will take care of many of the rights abuses that have proliferated under both Bush II and Barack I. Fix the tax code to make it simpler and less vulnerable to predatory or rent-seeking regulation and enforcement. Get it down to a post card or collect the funds at point of sale.

Of course I speak of crazy fantasies. Who would upset the apple cart of power? As Peggy Noonan famously wrote in 2005; the ones running Washington, DC have made their separate peace. At least that’s how it will stay if we don’t rise up and challenge the duopoly. The Dems won’t let it happen on their side. This is totally over to us. We listen, we decide, we coalesce, we go out there and thoroughly ruin Jeb Bush’s campaign for the White House. That is if we still love America enough to put up the fight.

*-If the very name of this bill doesn’t trigger regurgitation your stomach is stronger than mine.


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