Demotism Is the Most Pernicious Form of Climate Change

Demotic Environmentalists
Demotic Environmentalists

Image Credit: Bergheim Follies

Demotism is a form of mob rule, where politicians pander to what they see as the popular will, rather than making their own decisions as independent leaders. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. used the occasion of the recent Climate March in Manhattan to grandstand and attempt to increase the demotic pressure of the mob on UN attendees of a Climate Summit. If he were any less charitable towards those who disagreed with his views on climatology, he’d be inviting them for a swim in Chappaquiddick. Instead he’d be content if they were in jail with all the other war criminals. His actual quote, aimed at the Koch Brothers, follows below.


“I think it’s treason. Do I think the Koch Brothers are treasonous, yes I do,” Kennedy explained. “They are enjoying making themselves billionaires by impoverishing the rest of us. Do I think they should be in jail, I think they should be enjoying three hots and a cot at the Hague with all the other war criminals,” Kennedy declared.(HT:CNSNews)

I’ve posted a score if not a gross of times to express beliefs that would qualify me for the three hots and a cot. So I’ll concentrate today on why I find it such a relief that Americans are no longer benighted enough to entrust important decisions to the irascible Gramscians of the Kennedy Clan. Even if the Democrats are accurate in claiming that Climate Change is a bigger existential threat to the American Commonweal than Russia, Iran, Al Qaeda or ISIS, the manner in which this mob of narcissistic environmentalists is using the issue as a Trojan Horse makes them iniquitous..

Walter Russell Mead described the attempted sleight-of-hand at the Climate March in Manhattan.

Crazed grouplets of anti-capitalist movements trying to fan the embers of Marxism back to life, gender and transgender groups with their own spin on climate, earnest eco-warriors, publicity-seeking hucksters, adrenalin junkies, college kids wanting a taste of the venerable tradition of public protest, and, as always, a great many people who don’t think that burning marijuana adds to the world’s CO2 load, marched down Manhattan’s streets.The American Interest


Of course there is only one way to keep this large of an unkempt, shambling mob on the shamble. You find a nice, plump witch to burn. People are forced by the mob action into hardened points of view which have absolutely nothing to do with the science. It has to do with stopping the other side from winning regardless of where the truth lies. The issue has too much unifying value to the movement for an actual solution that doesn’t further the political goals of the movement. Many of these goals have nothing to do with protecting the environment. The entire debate over Climate Change is a proxy war over whether bureaucrats will get to undermine your rights to own and utilize your property in the manner in which you see fit.

Policy makers and the public may wish for the comfort of certainty in their climate science. But I fear that rigidly promulgating the idea that climate science is “settled” (or is a “hoax”) demeans and chills the scientific enterprise, retarding its progress in these important matters.(HT:WSJ)

If there is any actual truth to The Greenhouse Hypothesis, then we are in serious trouble. None of the solutions put forth by the people “concerned” over this will actually solve the problem. They are not designed to solve the problem. These “Climate Solutions” are designed to bully people into handing over control of their property and their business enterprises to unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats who almost invariably represent a hardened leftist worldview.


This is demotism* with a slightly better veneer and a blessedly weaker virulence than that which occurred during The Reign of Terror or The Great Leap Forward of Chairman Mao. The latest overrated substance-abuser of dubious Kennedy progeny would *like* to reeducate the Koch Brothers in Maxim Gorky. As of now he still is not *able* to call that class into session. That is about all I see that separates the climate riotersmarchers who beclowned themselves on Wall Street from the murderous hordes who followed Muqtada Al-Sadr.


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