You can put a fork in Silicon Valley. They are done. Jesse “King of Beers” Jackson has his talons in their tills and they have maybe, at best, 10 more years in which they will be a positive and innovative source of American technological advance. He informs us that ”Hi-tech giants have a moral and economic duty to promote inclusivity in their workforces”
Apple CEO Tim Cook found a somewhat grandiloquent and dignified way to admit that he would now be flying the White French Battle Flag rather than attempting to run a professional technology firm. He promises, cross his heart; hope to die, that ”We’re committed to being as innovative in advancing diversity as we are in developing our products.” He’s welcome to pick one or the other, but cannot have both. The parasite, once embedded, will always kill that which is noble and uplifting about the host.
A company like Apple, or Oracle or any of the other innovative tech giants dies the day it ever becomes satisfied with its technological achievements. It only thrives when it’s people are hungry enough to chew the butt off of a grizzly and selected remorselessly on a basis of potential and desire.* Giving Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian leverage over this maxim ends your ability to hire based upon quality. Quality is frequently antipodal to equality and stocking a roster on a basis of cultural diversity would doom any NFL team to a 0-16 season.
Jesse Jackson puts out the following garbage for public consumption.
What we’ve been saying is that Silicon Valley is America’s valley: built through American R&D, American education, American tax credits and tax havens. It should reflect America’s best values and principles.
First of all, Jesse, Silicon Valley already reflects a time-honored set of values. They are a classic example Homo Economicus doing what is necessary to release the best-selling, most lucrative product in a highly competitive environment. They got to a dominant pinnacle in the brutally competitive high technology industry by caring as much about cultural diversity as The Seattle Seahawks Secondary. The Seahawks didn’t play anyone associated with Rainbow-Push at Nickle Back last year. There was only one qualification to get in at either Seahawks Central or at any top-notch Silicon Valley nerd enclave. You had to man up and deliver a superior product to your competition. Yet sadly, Jesse Jackson and his FSA demanding a perpetual Visigoth Holiday at the expense of the capable and productive doesn’t think that this is fair.
The facts don’t lie: black people comprise just 1–2% of the tech workforce of most companies, Latinos just 2–4%. Women lag far behind men. But we’ve gone from resistance to release, creating an unprecedented climate of transparency. The industry is now facing up to the sobering facts on inclusion and diversity and moving to change them.
The people who need to face up to sober reality here should be that vast array of highly qualified Blacks and Latinos who are not quite able to get hired at Google or Oracle. They should take a page from Michael Jackson’s book,** and take a look at the Man in the Mirror. That would really take place in an unprecedented climate of transparency.
But this won’t happen. Instead, the hi-tech industry will be loaded down with the intestinal parasites of Rainbow-Push, Feminist Frequency and any other colony of loathesome loafing liver-flukes who feel the world owes them a living for things that transpired years and decades before they were ever born. This is how excellence in America dies anywhere else except on the fields and courts of our sports arenas. This is how the worm infests the apple. This is how America will one day cease to be functional nation.
*-This is why tech titans of Silicon Valley buy off politicians to game the H1B Visa Program for cheap and willing labor and to avoid hiring self-entitled Americans whenever possible.
**-No, no, no! One of the Safe for Work pages. Sorry for the ambiguity. /facepalm>
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