*Guest columnist Diante Johnson is the President of the Black Conservative Federation and serves as Advisory Board member to Black Voices for Trump.
Diante Johnson is the President of the Black Conservative Federation and serves as an advisory board member to the 2020 Donald J. Trump for President campaign.
Diante has both advised and worked on a number of state and local campaigns, In 2016 serving as North Carolina’s Regional Field Director with the Donald J. Trump for President campaign.
Diante has become a regular on Fox News, OANN, Newsmax, and occasional appearances on CNN. He has also wrote op-eds in the Washington Examiner and the Daily Caller, Diante has been recognized as Newsmax and Red Alert Politics’ Most Influential Republican “30 Under 30”.
Today as the presidential election cycle heats up, the Black community is taking center stage. Former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris are constantly repeating the mantra, Black Lives Matter and have falsely claimed that President Trump does not care about Black lives. Not only does Trump care but he has the policies to back it up, if there’s one thing we learned over the past decade, it’s that actions speak louder than words.
Painting Black Lives Matter on streets throughout the country does absolutely nothing for Black America. In fact, it’s a complete waste of time. Screaming Black Lives Matter isn’t going end racism and surely won’t provide any political nor economic uplift for Black America.
Starting on the first day of his administration, President Trump showed us that Black lives mattered! How so? Whether through his America First agenda, greater economic opportunity, historic criminal justice reform, or being a champion for Historically Black Colleges and Universities; President Trump’s commitment to Black lives has been substantial.
With record-low unemployment rates, more jobs, and higher wages, Black America began almost immediately seeing unprecedented levels of economic progress. It was even reported that nearly 350,000 black Americans had been lifted out of poverty under President Trump.
Black neighborhoods matter to Trump.
The President’s tax cuts created the Opportunity Zones program, which will drive an estimated $100 billion in new private investment into distressed communities. Most opportunity zone residents are minorities.
Black justice matters to Trump.
In 2018, President Trump answered the call and signed the historic First Step Act into law, legislation that continues creating a fairer justice system for all Americans. The First Step Act also reforms mandatory minimums that unfairly and disproportionately affected Black Americans. Now, prisoners might qualify for an earlier release based on new good time credits for non-violent offenders such as Alice Johnson.
Black education matters to Trump.
This year President Trump showed us just how much Black lives matter to him by signing into law the highest funding level in history for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, ensured they received permanent funding. He made HBCUs a priority, creating an executive order to put the White House Initiative on HBCUs within the Executive Office of the President.
President Trump has shown us that Black Lives Matter through his policies. It isn’t just a repeated slogan, it’s a call to action.
*Diante Johnson is the President of the Black Conservative Federation and serves as Advisory Board member to Black Voices for Trump.
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