Kamala Debuts Desperate New Trump Talking Point That Goes Down in Flames Even With Joe Scarborough's Help

AP Photo/Stephen B. Morton

What the heck is wrong with Kamala Harris? 

Why can't she answer simple questions and why does she seem to only be able to speak in talking points? 

Her latest talking point is something else. She previewed a bit of it in a comment that she made on Saturday claiming that former President Donald Trump was "lacking in transparency," claiming he hadn't released his medical records, he didn't go on "60 Minutes," and he didn't want to debate her again. 


But as I noted that was all nonsense. He had released a letter from his doctor, He has done all kinds of interviews, far more than her, and with non-friendly outlets. He offered her another debate on Fox, she's the one who turned that down. Meanwhile, "60 Minutes" is in the middle of a scandal because they edited what she said, eliminating at least some of her word salad, and aren't speaking up about it or providing the full transcript to be transparent about the interview and whether anything else had been changed. As we noted, she was also ducking a "Time" interview, meanwhile Trump did a 90 minute interview with them. 

READ MORE: Kamala Steps in It Big Time With Latest Remarks About Trump That Expose Her Own Problems

Kamala's Taunt Backfires: TIME Rips Harris for Avoiding Interviews
After She Claims Trump Is 'Hiding'

So she has no legs at all to stand on, when it comes to transparency. 

She dove even further into delusion on it with what she said in Greenville, North Carolina, on Sunday where she claimed that his staff wanted him to hide him away.


"One must question," she said, grabbing her chin.

"Are they afraid that people will see that he's too weak and unstable to lead America? Is that what's going on?" 

Now this is so sillly because Trump is everywhere, doing interviews, rallies and talking to the press. Far more than Harris. He just did a huge rally in Coachella, California. He's even going to blue states. 

Plus, she talks about "weak and unstable"? Is she talking about herself or Joe Biden? She's the one who not only hid from interviews until the polling numbers started going against her, she's the one who covered up Biden's cognitive decline. It's the Democrats who were too afraid to leave Biden in the race, who swapped him out for Kamala in an unprecedented "attack on democracy."  But she left a truly weak and unstable man to "lead America." That's all on her.

Meanwhile, Trump was standing up in the face of bullets after having been hit in the ear. He was doing a rally even as the was saying that. 

If she truly thinks he's being hidden, she's too delusional to be a leader, much less a president of the United States. And if she doesn't truly think this, she's lying and thinks the American people are stupid enough to fall for it. 

The chin thing was also funny. No, it doesn't make you look more thoughtful. 


But despite how stupid this was, you still have media who will carry her water for her. Here was MSNBC's Joe Scarborough picking up the talking point and trying to make it a "thing" even though it has no basis in reality. 

It shows again how in the tank media like Scarborough is. They'll post anything or say anything no matter how demonstarbly untrue it is. 

But notice something funny about that? Scarbrough blocked all replies, so he was "hiding away" himself. So even as he's trying to spread a lie about Trump hiding, he's the one who's "hiding" from any one calling him out on the lie.  If you're blocking replies, you already know you lost. So he's a perfect match for Kamala. 


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