Fani Willis Raises Eyebrows Again When She Shows Up With Nathan Wade at Site of Daughter's Arrest

Alyssa Pointer/Pool Photo via AP

Fulton County DA Fani Willis just doesn't seem to be able to avoid the spotlight. 

Now, she's managed to raise eyebrows again with a new story about what happened last month on August 24. 


Her pregnant daughter, 25-year-old Kinaya Willis, was stopped for being on a cellphone while driving in Tyrone, Georgia, and then arrested for driving on a suspended license. Kinaya's sister, who was in the car with her, then called her mother. 

But what makes the story particularly interesting is who showed up with Fani Wilis at the scene. It was Nathan Wade, long after their romantic relationship was supposed to be over. 

The cops thought he was Kinaya's father at first, and Willis said he was "just a friend." 

They showed up in a black SUV only to find out that Kinaya had already been carted off to jail. 


The cops who were still on the scene told Willis her daughter's license was suspended, and she responded, "News to me."  They explained how she had been stopped and arrested. Wade asked why she had been stopped. 

At one point, Willis gave the officers her address but asked them not to put it in the report, because of her high-profile position.

β€œY’all can have my address, the rest of the world, no,” she says.

The officer responded, "For obvious reasons." So it was clear he knew who she was. 

Then Willis drove her daughter's car away from the scene, while Wade drove away in the car in which they had arrived. 

According to the Daily Mail, Kinaya Willis gave the following explanation to the police. 

She 'stated that the reason for her using her cell phone while operating the vehicle was due to her mother calling her related to her pregnancy,' according to a police report.

The Texas Southern University student told Officer Jacob Hale she was 'unaware' her license was revoked on May 13, blaming a mix up over unpaid Florida tickets.

Now, the question everyone has is why Willis showed up with Wade after their relationship was supposed to be over, according to what they both testified. She called him "just a friend," but he's the guy who shows up with her when her daughter calls her for help? Especially given all the hubbub over the relationship? Some then wondered if what they had testified to about their relationship being over was, in fact, the case. 


This may raise more questions in the case where the existence of the relationship was a big problem.

READ MORE:  That Settles That: Georgia Court of Appeals Formally Sets Oral Argument on Fani Willis DQ for December

As we've previously reported, the case involving former President Donald Trump will not be heard before the election, given pending action in the Georgia Court of Appeals. So, the Democrats aren't going to get their pound of flesh there in time for the election in any event. 


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