Protesters Break Through the Security Fencing Protecting the DNC, They Found Out That Was Not a Good Idea

AP Photo/Noah Berger

As we reported, the Democrats put up walls/fences around the Democratic National Convention hoping to keep the radical protesters out. What irony that is, given how the Democrats have whipped up protests over the years and now it's coming back to bite them at their own event. It was also pretty hilarious that they acknowledged the benefit of walls. 


However, being Democrats they never quite get things right. Here comes 1968 again. Where's the National Guard? They may need them. 

READ MORE: Things Get Crazy Even Before the DNC Officially Opens As Protesters Threaten to 'Bring the War Home'

Here you see protesters working on getting through the fence. 

Then the protesters started breaching some of the fencing. 

They also were trying to push over the second fencing, shouting, "Biden-Harris you can't hide." 


Then the police arrived and the radicals began tossing things at them including signs. 

Warning for graphic language in following videos: 

One man who complained about being detained by the police claimed that they were hurting him and made him have an accident in his pants - except he used more explicit language. 


Then a bunch were also arrested. 

Now there's a report about possibly deploying gas after the protesters started getting violent and several were arrested. 

What a comparison to the truly joyful Republican National Convention. This doesn't look like it's going to end well. 


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