Here Are the Damning Tim Walz Comments the GOP Should Run on a Loop

AP Photo/Abbie Parr, File

The VP selection process was a mess. 

I guess that would stand to reason, given it was allegedly at the behest of Kamala Harris. 

But you had wild leaks, people jockeying for position, Democrats finking on other Democrats, and all kinds of machinations behind the scenes. You also had Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, who you might think would be the logical pick for a couple of reasons: he could help the race in Pennsylvania -- which Harris has to win to have any chance -- and he is more moderate, so that could help Harris seem more moderate. But the left didn't want him for that reason and because he was pro-Israel. So there was also a wide stink of antisemitism from the people undercutting him as well. 


So the question was: which was more important to the people deciding things behind the scenes? Making some people in Michigan and the left happy or making what was probably the better political choice, even though it might have been bad in terms of holding onto the left? 

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Since you now know they picked Walz, you know which way they went, which is interesting. They decided to keep the left happy, as the Biden-Harris team has done on every decision right down the line. The longer-term investment in putting leftists everywhere won out. 

But there's so much dirt on Walz and his politics that will not go over well with Americans; did anyone making the choice bother to look? 

Eric Holder was supposedly in charge of the vetting, which would also be a big tell that they would go left. Did he just ignore all the bad things, or was it just more important to pick someone so left? 

The RNC didn't ignore the dirt, they have things up already and this is just a small immediate sample. 

Remember how Hillary Clinton used "deplorables" and basically did herself in with it? Democrats just don't seem to get Middle America. 


Let's hear Walz describe rural and red areas as "mostly rocks and cows." 

Nice way to dismiss the folks in the red states. That ticked off rural voters in Minnesota and now everyone in those red areas can hear what Democrats like him really think. And Kamala is endorsing that by picking him. 

Oh, but let's hear some more about those bad policies. Minnesota House Minority Leader Lisa Demuth (R) called Kamala Harris and Tim Walz "the most extreme ticket in recent presidential history." She took Walz apart. 

Gov. Walz likes to tout his legislative achievements from the past two years of one-party Democratic control, but voters need to know the real story. The last two years featured some of the most extreme and irresponsible policies we’ve ever seen in our state: $10 billion dollars in tax increases, an unsustainable and unaffordable 40 percent increase in state spending, New fees on your online orders, massive cost increases for your Uber and Lyft rides, expensive and extreme energy mandates that will drive up the electric bills for you and your family, and even a gas tax increase that goes up automatically every single year!


She also pointed out among other things that Walz signed a bill "to give illegal immigrants free tuition, drivers licenses, and even health benefits, making Minnesota a magnet for illegal immigration" and let the BLM riots in 2020 get out of control, that resulted in all kinds of injuries, even deaths, and millions in damages before he was "forced to respond." 

More comments/visuals to include in the loop.

Kamala has failed to secure the border or listen when to what her new running mate said he would invest in to fight the border wall: 

One of the worst I've seen so far, although, admittedly, it's a tough call there are so many, was this one. 


"One person's socialism is another person's neighborliness," Walz declared.

Oh, my. There's a big difference between socialism and "neighborliness." You know that if he's trying to sell them as the same, he's got big problems. The Democrats are now trying to sell him as a "centrist." If you play this over and over, I think most Americans will understand. 


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