Here's Your Kamala Laugh of the Day: the Desperate Effort by Dems to Whip Up Excitement

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Let's face it: we're in the middle of a Democrat and media psy-op when it comes to Kamala Harris. 

They're so anxious to flip the script on her from the unpopular person with poll numbers as low or lower than Joe Biden to the person who "excites" Democrats. It's actually a little concerning how cult-like some Democrats are that they will turn on a dime to embrace the talking points. 


But we're all supposed to think that suddenly, she's amazingly shot up in popularity and moved ahead in some polls. Of course, it's also important to note Democratic oversampling in some of the polls and make sure that you're checking that. That trends to aid this push. I mentioned this with the Reuters/Ipsos poll that had Kamala Harris up last week. Even with that, former President Donald Trump is still up in the national vote by 1.2 percent at this point. That's still likely going to translate to an Electoral College win if that holds. Of course, assume the worst, so you get everyone out and ensure the win. 

READ MORE: Two New Swing State Polls Show the Serious Trouble Kamala Is In

But Democrats are so desperate to whip up the excitement for Kamala that they're even trying to quote "praise" from Republicans for her now, as though that will validate her. You know they're really reaching when they have to do that, plus the "praise" is hilarious, as many pointed out when you read what the Democrats X account is resorting to. 

If the best you can say about someone is that they are "personable," that you still say hello to the person, and they didn't cause any trouble when they served on a committee, that's not saying much. This is all they can come up with? Yikes. 

What it does show is that Republicans have more decency than Democrats, who demonize Republicans as Hitler. Then again, I thought Republicans were evil, so why are you quoting them? Democrats are so confused they can't even keep the talking points straight. 


The Democrats said, "These quotes speak for themselves." Indeed. 

People had a good laugh at Kamala's expense. 

Yes, I want to see Sen. Marco Rubio's response when he's told that he "praised" her by saying this. It's likely to be good. But it also shows once again how disconnected the Democrats are from reality when they can't even properly assess such basic comments. It's also how they have candidates who are similarly disconnected, like Biden and Harris. 


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