'HUGE ALARM' for Biden: CNN Explains Black Voter Numbers and What That Means for Electoral Votes

AP Photo/Ron Harris

At this point, it seems like Joe Biden is losing voters from every corner. 

From places that should be reliable blue states like Virginia to black and other minority voters. 


READ MORE:   Those Poll Numbers in Virginia Just Got Worse for Joe Biden

CNN data analyst Harry Enten was asked about Biden's status with black voters now and what it means for the election, and he couldn't stress enough how bad it is for Joe Biden. 

"Take a look at the numbers now and compare it to where we were four years ago," he said. "We see a clear decline" for Biden from 81 percent to 70 percent. 

"Look at that doubling of support for Donald Trump, from 10 percent to 21 percent!" Enten declared.  

He said if that held through the election it would be the best result for Republicans among black voters in 64 years since Richard Nixon. 

The age breakdown that he then explained was fascinating, showing that the support for Biden with black voters was in the over-50 group. But below 50, voters had very different thoughts, with 27 percent for Trump and 64 percent for Biden, with Biden's support dropping even more. I think that also spells good news for the future because it's the younger voters who are thinking differently here. 


Enten then discussed what that might mean for the election. He said that if that shift held to the election, comparing it to 2020, Trump would win 291 electoral votes to Biden's 247. He said the reason why is that would shift Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Georgia to Trump. 

This might explain, in part, why Trump has been leading in those battleground states. 

"That alone would do it, " Enten explained, saying that's why black voters are so pivotal to Joe Biden's chances. 

Boris Sanchez said "alarms" must be "going off on the Democratic side," as Enten flashed his fingers to signify the alarms. 

"It's a huge alarm. It's spiraling. It's ambulance. It's police sirens. It's any alarm you can think of," Enten replied. 

"That should be what's going off on the Democratic side. These numbers, to be honest, could be deadly to Joe Biden's campaign."

Bottom line? Biden is crushing Americans in the pocketbook and safety issues, and those affect black voters too, even if Biden doesn't seem to understand that. It's why Charlamagne tha God is hearing a difference to him from black voters as well, with black voters complaining about the border and illegal aliens, for example. Charlamagne notes how the move to send illegal aliens to sanctuary cities was "kind of genius." 


But Biden isn't addressing those concerns. Meanwhile, Trump is, even in the face of ridiculous lawfare. 

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