What Those Conversations Were About Between AOC and Gosar, Gaetz During McCarthy Vote

Rep. Paul Gosar talking with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez during vote on Rep. Kevin McCarthy for Speaker. (Credit: Cabot Phillips/C-SPAN)

There were a couple of conversations between members of the GOP and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) that had a lot of people wondering what they were discussing.


First, let’s talk about this one with Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ).

Now, what’s kind of funny about this is that they seem to be talking very amicably. That’s unusual given that in November 2021, the House censured Gosar and booted him from committees because he posted an anime video of him slaying AOC with a sword.

AOC also had a brief conversation with Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL).

But according to AOC, Gosar was asking whether any Democrats would be moving away from voting for Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) for Speaker of the House. AOC told an ABC reporter that McCarthy made claims within the GOP conference that some Democrats would walk away to lower the threshold. Gosar was asking AOC for clarification on that question and if she would walk away. “We would never do that,” AOC told the reporter, that it was Jeffries all the way.


AOC subsequently posted this video confirming that’s what she was talking about.

Gosar’s take was complimentary and didn’t contradict what she said, “We actually talked about the problem of the prior speakerships having too much authority and thus minimizing each member’s potential contribution to the House debate.”

At this point, we’re on the sixth vote and McCarthy still hasn’t gotten the votes needed, so I don’t know where he thinks he’s going to get them from. But maybe we need a little humor from the present chaos. Bad Lip Reading provided a little of that with its funny take on what the conversation between Matt Gaetz and Ocasio-Cortez was truly about.

“I’ve heard that the floor asked for shrubs to be put in the common areas,” AOC said.

“Yeah, you’re right,” Gaetz says.


“Nah, we will not let this slide, because like when you do that…” AOC insisted.

Gaetz interrupted and said, “Obviously, we’d, you know, put in some rocks too.”

“Oh, interesting,” AOC replied. “All rocks are my friends. I didn’t know.”

Given the wild statements that AOC has made in the past, one could believe that might be true.

But an interesting thing about why C-SPAN can get some of these interesting exchanges is because there is no Speaker, and thus, there are no new rules yet as to what the press can cover, so they have free rein.


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