Stunning Poll on Durham Probe Is a Killer for Hillary Clinton's Hopes and Dreams

There’s a bit of a stunning poll that has come out in regard to Hillary Clinton and Russiagate.

The poll, taken by TechnoMetrica Institute of Policy and Politics in New Jersey last month, asked 1300 people about what they thought about the Durham probe. What was astonishing was that almost 3/4 of those polled who were following the story wanted prosecutors to investigate her and members of her campaign for manufacturing dirt on President Donald Trump. What was most surprising about those numbers was that included 66 percent of Democrats who were following the story, a jump in 20 points from October. Among Republicans, the number was 91 percent. Among independents, it was 65 percent.


Michael Sussmann, one of the lawyers for the Clinton campaign, was indicted in September, and Igor Danchenko, one of the key people behind the Steele dossier, was indicted on Nov. 3. So the people had that information in their quiver to base their decision on. Since then, as we reported last week, there’s been another bombshell from a Durham filing that alleged the Clinton campaign had tried to infiltrate Trump Tower and the White House to dig up dirt on Trump. So these numbers don’t even reflect that yet. One wonders how much they’re going to shoot up after that is assessed.


76 percent of Americans want Attorney General Merrick Garland’s counsel Maggie Goodlander to recuse herself from the Durham probe because of a potential personal conflict posed by her husband, White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, who is cited in the Sussmann indictment.

So if Hillary is gearing up for another try at the White House and hoping that Democrats will shove ol’ Joe to the side and give her another whirl, she shouldn’t pack her bags for the try just yet. She was still trying to smear Trump this past week, but she might want to be concerned about the allegations coalescing around her.


That wasn’t the only bad news for the Democrats in the new poll. The people polled also want to stop any Biden family funny business as well.

More than two-thirds, or 68 percent, of respondents said they think it’s important that the president’s son, Hunter Biden, and brother Jimmy Biden are walled off from any business involving the administration. That includes communicating with the president and his aides about policy proposals or taking any government jobs or contracts, the majority told pollsters.

An equal share of Democrats and Republicans — 71 percent — agreed that the president’s relatives should be kept at arm’s length, the poll found.

Hunter Biden is currently under investigation by the FBI and subpoenas were recently sought for bank records involving Hunter, his uncle Jim Biden, and former business partners Devon Archer and Eric Schwerin.

Finally, 69 percent of Republicans and 54 percent of Independents think that the media has done a fair to poor job of covering the questionable Biden corruption actions, while 53 percent of Democrats think they’ve done a good job.


That’s not looking good for the Bidens either and if anything further drops in that investigation, the Democrats and media who have been doing all they can to ignore it will have a hard time.


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