Newsom Gets Nailed Again With Another Example of 'Rules for Thee'

AP Photo/Jeff Chiu, File

There are fewer people phonier than Gov. Gavin Newsom. My colleague Jennifer Oliver O’Connell has dubbed him “Governor Hair Gel” because of his attention to the appearance of his hair, never a follicle out of place, plus the very slickness about him and how he operates.


Newsom should have been tossed out on his butt in the recall, but unfortunately for the folks in California, he’s still there to impose his authoritarian ways on people.

But as we’ve seen with him in the past, although he wants to impose all kinds of restrictions on the people of California, he isn’t always one to follow his own rules. He’s been one of the biggest violators in the “Rules for Thee, But Not for Me” club of Democrats when it comes to COVID restrictions and mandates.

Earlier this month, California was one of the first states to say they will impose a sweeping mandate requiring all students age 12 and up to be vaccinated, with Newsom saying there’s no reason kids shouldn’t be vaccinated.

From Reuters:

“The state already requires that students are vaccinated against viruses that cause measles, mumps, and rubella – there’s no reason why we wouldn’t do the same for COVID-19,” the Democratic governor said at a news conference.

Newsom said the schools mandate could be enacted as early as January, once the U.S. Food and Drug Administration fully approves inoculations for their age groups.


But even thought he wants to impose this on kids as soon as possible, as early as January, he admitted that his own daughter, who just turned 12 is not vaccinated.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Newsom said she wasn’t vaccinated because she has “a series of other shots to get first.”

Forgive me, but huh? I’m confused. What would that have to do with not getting the shot yet? Didn’t he just say there’s no reason why kids shouldn’t be made to get the shot? Isn’t this such an ’emergency’ that’s why he’s pushing the mandate on everyone else’s kids? Isn’t she in school now with other kids?

This isn’t the first time that Gov. Hair Gel has tripped over his own mandates and restrictions, and played this “Rules for Thee” game. He was caught in a controversy over the summer, where, as we reported exclusively, that he sent his son to a summer basketball camp where they were playing indoor sports — mask-free — while, according to California’s public health guidelines, children ages two through 11 were required to wear masks indoors while at school and in “other youth settings.”


Newsom was also nabbed in November of last year when people shared pictures of him dining indoors with lobbyists without masks at the exclusive restaurant, the French Laundry, after he had urged people to avoid gatherings with people from multiple households and then even falsely tried to spin that it was “outdoors.” He was forced to ultimately apologize for being a hypocritical creep. “The spirit of what I’m preaching all the time was contradictory, and I’ve got to own that. So, I’m going to apologize to you,” he said.

So again, it appears that he isn’t practicing the “spirit” of what he is “preaching” in the case of the vaccine mandates, either.


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