Hillary Clinton Talks About Her 'First Foray Into Fiction' and I Have Thoughts

Democratic National Convention via AP

Hillary Clinton set some tongues wagging yesterday with a post she made about a new book that she was involved in writing.


“My first foray into fiction!” Clinton crowed. “It was a labor of love with my friend (and favorite mystery author) Louise Penny, and I can’t wait for you to read it. Pre-order “State of Terror” now to dive in as soon as it’s released next Tuesday, October 12.”

Now, it stands to reason that anyone following her career knows that this is not her “first foray into fiction.”

The better question might be when has she not been slinging fiction?

It seems that one could go back decades through a whole long list, back to her husband’s time in office, if one wanted to, and it might take hours to go through it all. Indeed, her whole career was full of fiction, right down to the hot sauce in her purse.

We could just hit the highlights.

We could talk about the fiction that the al Qaeda attack on Benghazi was just an unruly crowd incited by a YouTube video and how that lie was propagated by her and the Obama administration.

Or how about how she came under sniper fire in Bosnia? She said they landed under fire and they ran with their heads down for safety. In fact, they landed in perfectly fine conditions where she was greeted with flowers on the runway, none of the rest of the story having happened.


Then perhaps in one of her more harmful lies — the idea that the 2016 election was somehow stolen from her. For years, she has continued to blame everything from Russians to deplorable Americans — everything other than her own horrible character for the reason she lost. That failure to accept her loss contributed to further dividing the country.

But perhaps the worst fiction in which she had a hand was the promotion of the Russia collusion lie.

Clinton and the DNC not only paid, through their law firm, Fusion GPS to bankroll the dossier, but Hillary Clinton herself and Jake Sullivan — who used to work for Clinton but is now Joe Biden’s National Security Adviser — also promoted the fiction. Here they are promoting the Alfa Bank story, a fake story about Donald Trump supposedly communicating with Russia through a backchannel server — which story was later debunked.


Lawyer, Michael Sussman — who used to work for Perkins Coie, the law firm for Hillary Clinton and the DNC — was charged last month with lying to the FBI when he claimed not to be working for the Clinton campaign when he told the FBI that the Trump Organization were connected to servers at Alfa-Bank, a Moscow-based financial institution.

Then we found out last week that more subpoenas had gone out, including to Perkins Coie for more information in the matter.

This is one of those ventures into fiction that might ultimately come back to haunt her and for which she might pay a price. Perhaps that’s too much to hope. But it sure sounds like more is coming to blow that story up.


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