WATCH: Two Hosts of "The View" Pulled off Show Right Before Kamala Harris Interview Because of COVID

"The View" co-hosts find out two of their co-hosts have tested positive for COVID. Credit: ABC

“The View” planned to have Kamala Harris on the show today.

But then, right before she came on, the ABC show apparently found out that two of its hosts, Ana Navarro and Sunny Hostin, had both tested positive for COVID, despite both being fully vaccinated. None of the show’s hosts were wearing any masks.


So, they pulled the two of them live on the air, as Harris was waiting backstage. Now, this is pretty crazy, and you may not see the like again.

A confused Joy Behar then had to fill in the chaos, announcing what had happened, and that her co-hosts wouldn’t be interviewing Harris live on air because of what had just happened.

They delayed the interview with Harris and filled in the time taking questions from the audience for several blocks of the show, while they worked to set up doing a remote feed from Harris elsewhere in the building. But, they did later interview Harris remotely, with her in another room, for a short period of time.


Harris shamelessly continued to lie about the CBP whip story. As we previously reported, even the photographer who took the pictures that the Biden administration and media are using to lie about the CBP has said there was no whipping going on. If they want to continue to lie about it, then Harris, who was supposed to be solving the border problems, should be hauled on the carpet for it.

According to the White House, Kamala Harris had no contact with “The View” co-hosts.

Because of the exposure to Hostin and Navarro, that raises the question if Behar and the other co-host, Sara Haines, will now have to quarantine.

So, a couple of questions. How did they not test them before they went on the air — why did they wait until the middle of the show? Or was this only because Kamala was coming on? It’s really not the best way to operate, when they could have exposed Harris.

It’s also ironic because “The View” hosts are always preaching about COVID and slamming the unvaccinated over the issue, yet here they are, coming down with it despite being vaccinated, and seemingly very close to exposing Harris.


People were just stunned that it all rolled out, live on air.


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