We’ve seen countless examples of BLM activists showing disregard for anything other than their own concerns.
But there was a really horrible example of that in Chicago this week.
On Monday, Adam Hollingsworth, known as the “Dreadhead Cowboy” in Chicago took his horse and went galloping down the Dan Ryan Expressway to ‘protest’ on behalf of “KidsLivesMatter,” an initiative that to raise awareness and motivate residents to complete the census to help communities receive better funding.
Get it right. He rode the horse ill-equipped to be on pavement to the point of DEATH where the horse was BLEEDING PROFUSELY AND MAY HAVE TO BE EUTHANIZED you abusive morons. https://t.co/4zSjscUC7k
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) September 25, 2020
Just look at those traumatized eyes!!😢 pic.twitter.com/Eu0ZKxUNip
— PJC (@dejkah) September 25, 2020
Hollingsworth was arrested and charged with a felony count of aggravated cruelty to an animal, as well as misdemeanor counts of reckless conduct, trespassing and other traffic offenses.
Now if you know anything about horses, galloping them down the highway miles is very harmful to them. The Cook County Assistant State’s Attorney Kevin Deboni said the horse was ill-equipped for this ride and was run almost to death, according to WTTW. He wasn’t properly shoed and it caused bleeding and “extensive damage” to the horse. Authorities said that the horse was in such bad shape, it would not have survived without immediate treatment and it might have to be euthanized. Prosecutors said it was the equivalent of “forcing an 80-year-old woman run a full marathon.” Witnesses also said that during the gallop on the highway that Hollingsworth was allegedly kicking and whipping the horse to keep the horse galloping when the horse slowed down.
The horse was taken for observations by both the acting director of Chicago Animal Care & Control and another equine veterinarian. Deboni said both experts agreed the horse suffered “a great deal” due to its treatment, citing extreme dehydration, overheating and lacerations to its front legs that caused “profuse” bleeding.
“The horse’s eyes were dilated to the point they looked like cartoon eyes,” Deboni said.
Both experts said it would have been “virtually impossible” for anyone to not have realized the animal was injured and in distress, according to Deboni. The horse was given extensive medical treatment, but Deboni said it remains in critical condition and will never be able to be ridden again.
Euthanasia may be used for “humane reasons,” he said, “due to the suffering the animal will likely endure for the rest of its life.”
That’s so disgusting to do that to a horse for something so ridiculous. Were any kids served by this? No.
Meanwhile this is the guy that Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot engaged on behalf of the city to help promote the census. She dubbed him the “Census Cowboy.” This despite his involvement in BLM actions and being caught on video disparaging the police, saying “F**k the police” and “F**k 12,” the rioter expression.
The "cowboy" that @LoriLightfoot paraded out to promote census efforts yesterday says "fuck the police" and "fuck 12" to this passerby. Good work, mayor. pic.twitter.com/89MT5ZB6qD
— CWBChicago (@CWBChicago) July 14, 2020
What did Hollingsworth say about what he had done with his ride, when he was asked by reporters?
From NBC Chicago:
“Yes, I’d do it again,” Adam Hollingsworth said Thursday, noting he plans to continue protests to raise awareness for “Kids Lives Matter.”
“I’m not giving up until I’m not the only one out there,” Hollingsworth said.
He said he told his son, “daddy might be getting locked up today.” Great, sounds like recognition of guilt, knowing it was a crime.
Hollingsworth called on Mayor Lori Lightfoot to support him after he assisted her in pushing the census movement this year, along with asking support from Kanye West and Chance the Rapper.
Great job, Lightfoot. Wonderful choice.
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