BLM/Antifa were out in several cities causing trouble last night.
As we earlier reported, they attacked Trump supporters in Portland. One also point blank shot a Trump supporter in the street.
But they were also active in Washington, D.C. threatening police there and in Oakland, California.
In Oakland, they threw projectiles at the police and shone powerful green lasers at the police. These lasers have caused damage to sight in officers in Portland where they were constantly used.
Some within the crowd are throwing rocks and bottles at officers. One officer was injured near the intersection of Mandana and W.arfield. Please avoid the area. pic.twitter.com/PoSgZ4XjqU
— Oakland Police Dept. (@oaklandpoliceca) August 30, 2020
Antifa rioters are shining lasers into the eyes of police officers in Oakland, which the police say carries a penalty of up to 30 days in jail. pic.twitter.com/VzEi4d7OXP
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 30, 2020
100+ people took part in tonight's protest. Rocks, bottles, lasers & shields were used to assault officers. 1 officer injured. OPD deployed minimal gas & smoke, half a dozen arrests made. Officers confiscated shields. OPD continues our efforts to protect our vulnerable community. pic.twitter.com/OqmSI3mlLs
— Oakland Police Dept. (@oaklandpoliceca) August 30, 2020
It looks like they marched into a residential area and there they took on the cops.
Fighting with officers #Oakland pic.twitter.com/tDknMSqZBA
— Kitty Shackleford (@KittyLists) August 30, 2020
But this was only the latest action there.
They also wreaked havoc there on Wednesday, in an incident that got very little national coverage.
600-700 people took part in violent & destructive protests Wed. night. numerous fires set, dozens of windows broken, multiple businesses vandalized. Protesters threw objects at officers, thankfully no officers were injured. Several people arrested. pic.twitter.com/5tBIQ1FsQO
— Oakland Police Dept. (@oaklandpoliceca) August 27, 2020
Violent protesters vandalized and started a fire at the Alameda County Superior Court. @OaklandFireCA is on scene. Please stay clear of the area. pic.twitter.com/s22zKdWlkj
— Oakland Police Dept. (@oaklandpoliceca) August 27, 2020
Some within the crowd are chanting ”BURN IT DOWN” as they ignite fireworks and set trash cans on fire. pic.twitter.com/4azCUchmya
— Oakland Police Dept. (@oaklandpoliceca) August 27, 2020
During that incident they also threatened the country, chanting, “Death to America!” The video was only posted today, so many have identified it as from Saturday. But it’s actually from Wednesday. However, the chant was reportedly also made on Saturday.
ANTIFA march down the streets of Oakland, CA chanting "Death to America" to the sound of smashing glass. #BidensAmerica pic.twitter.com/GbKBRoFtEV
— Chomp (@ChompSkis) August 30, 2020
The chant of terrorists and places like Iran. Now, in Oakland.
It was also chanted in Kenosha, as we previously reported.
An American flag was just burned outside the Kenosha County Courthouse. One woman screams, “Death to America!” and kicks the fence. pic.twitter.com/vI8U6EOGBv
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) August 26, 2020
This who they are, can we start classifying the folks who do this stuff as terrorists yet?
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