Wow, sounds like Hillary Clinton was just a little too honest about the Democratic plan come November in a new interview.
Remember how she said in 2016, that to not accept the results of the election was a threat to democracy? Then she went on to continually call the results into question herself and has never reconciled herself to her loss.
We’re starting to see all the numbers move toward Trump. That’s one of the reasons they have been pushing so hard for mail in voting. It’s the one way they can hope to try to change the result and/or call the election into question.
Now Hillary Clinton is letting the cat out of the bag, making it clear they wouldn’t accept the results if President Donald Trump wins a close election.
During an interview on The Circus with a former aide, Clinton said that Joe Biden should not concede “under any circumstances.”
Hillary Clinton has some advice for Joe Biden: Don’t concede in a close race.
The 2016 nominee sits down with @jmpalmieri and @sho_thecircus to urge Dems to pay close attention to GOP strategy. pic.twitter.com/REwfLf1QjS
— The Recount (@therecount) August 24, 2020
She tried to paint it as somehow a problem with Republicans actions while she’s literally saying Democrats will not accept the norms of our elections. Democrats, masters of projection. Just like they claimed it was Trump colluding with Russia while it was Hillary and the DNC actually paying for foreign information to undermine Trump.
“So we’ve got to have a massive legal operation, and I know the Biden campaign is working on that,” she said. “Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances because I think this is going to drag out, and eventually, I do believe he will win if we don’t give an inch and if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is,” Clinton told former aide Jennifer Palmieri.
She’s basically admitting up front their plan: don’t accept the results, legally challenge everywhere and hope to win with mail in voting. We saw in California with ballot harvesting how that changed results from clear Republican victories into Democratic “wins.” They’re hoping to come away with it again, which is why they have wanted to throw so much to mail in voting because they know it’s their only chance.
But if they don’t win, they can further call the election into question and stoke the chaos.
Democrats refused to accept the results in 2016
They meddled with Hillary's garbage dossier before AND after the election, trying to legitimize results they didn't like
They're gonna try do it again in 2020. And it's going to be even more ludicrous
— Elizabeth Harrington (@LizRNC) August 24, 2020
And they told us *Trump* wouldn't accept the result…
Sounds like Democrats are expecting to lose.https://t.co/BsqYB9zSjL
— Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) August 25, 2020
Banana Republic here we come… @HillaryClinton says “@JoeBiden Should NOT Concede Under Any Circumstances!”
I thought #MainstreamMedia
has @TheDemocrats and #JoeBiden ahead in the polls… what is #HillaryClinton afraid of? https://t.co/g1z5Cn7zWP— Trish Regan (@trish_regan) August 25, 2020
Remember when we were told that not accepting the results of an election was a literal threat to our democracy?https://t.co/rNU0cUNSzO
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) August 25, 2020
Hillary Clinton urges Joe Biden “not to concede under any circumstances.” They believe they can ignore the results, drag this out, and find ballots after the election. Insane! Will the media call out the scheme or look the other way? pic.twitter.com/sRN3PKO9eL
— Tate Reeves (@tatereeves) August 25, 2020
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