BLM activists were out in force last night in Austin, Texas as we reported earlier for a memorial for Garrett Foster. Foster was the man who was shot to death after BLM folks surrounded a car and Foster allegedly aimed his AK-47 at the driver. The driver Daniel Perry had his own gun and shot.
But this BLM protest/rally was extremely unorganized with them all over the place, with reportedly a lot of infighting. Austin Police were not playing around, quickly dispatching protesters who tried to block roads and create problems.
At the antifa gathering in Austin, Texas, militants refuse to disperse occupied streets. Officers move in on horses and forcibly move the people out of the road. They scream and shout in anger. #AustinRiots #antifa pic.twitter.com/BJxJwIflZz
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 2, 2020
But there were a few points I wanted to highlight.
Remember when President Donald Trump criticized the BLM for the infamous chant, “Pigs in a blanket fry ’em like bacon?” Some in liberal media tried to claim that this was something only used once in Minnesota in 2015. Untrue, it was a frequent chant from the beginning of the BLM, that came out of Ferguson in 2014. It was even used last month in Florissant, from protesters shouting at police there. On Saturday, it was used again in Austin at police there.
The demonstrators started marching north on Congress toward the Capitol but APD stopped some of the crowd from continuing as soon as the light at Congress/5th turned red. The march is continuing on capitol now. pic.twitter.com/y0E9lY7MJF
— Mike Marut (@MikeMarutKVUE) August 2, 2020
Why it’s especially offensive is its connection to the assassination of two NYPD officers by a BLM supporter Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley, who said that because police killed “1 of ours” (Eric Garner) that he would “take two of theirs” and that he was “putting pigs in a blanket.” Unfortunately, people seem to have forgotten all the associated BLM supporter violence from that time.
That’s why it’s important to document all of this, because of the constant media spinning.
Then there’s also this lovely moment from Austin, “One solution, revolution!”
Some protesters have returned to the memorial chanting “One solution, revolution!” APD did not interfere as the marchers walked across the crosswalk despite the red light. pic.twitter.com/tAxF90tE5W
— Mike Marut (@MikeMarutKVUE) August 2, 2020
But sure, they’re about racism and/or about police brutality, according to the media. Maybe listen when they tell you who what they are really about?
Finally, here’s a guy who speaks for all of us when it comes to these radical leftists. After the police chased them out of the local streets, they tried to block a highway. “It’s our highway,” they declared.
Protesters about to get onto the I-35 and block highway traffic pic.twitter.com/tpYSSCtOco
— Savanah Hernandez (@sav_says_) August 2, 2020
Protesters have formed a line and are refusing to let cars pass pic.twitter.com/h56WoTimaY
— Savanah Hernandez (@sav_says_) August 2, 2020
But this guy wasn’t having it.
Black man exits his car and angrily tells protesters to let him go to work and provide for his kids pic.twitter.com/GQUDw0lmfR
— Savanah Hernandez (@sav_says_) August 2, 2020
“I’m black, I gotta go to work, I got bills, I got kids, get the f**k out my way,” he blasted them. They did let him pass after he yelled at them. But props to this guy for speaking on behalf of all of us and black lives these folks were disrupting. Standing in the middle of the highway does absolutely nothing but create chaos and endanger everyone. They’re not about black lives, they’re about the chaos.
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